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Pencils are for kids.
Ballpens are for teens.
Permanent markers are for adults.
But when life interfere?Everything becomes unfair.

You did good,
You made better,
You had to be the best
However, everything fails.

Life's unfair?
People's perspective are.
People are equals in so many ways.
Furthermore, their minds aren't.

One born with a golden spoon,
Another with a silver fork.
And lastly, with a bronze one.
Sadly, they saw it unfair.

Life aren't what people think of,
Life is meaningful.
Life's life.
Life is love.

Blind people can't see,
But they can hear.
Deaf can't hear,
But they can see clearly.
Mute can't speak,
But they can hear and see the world.

The differences aren't the hindrances.
It is anyone's kind of thinking.


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