Chapter 15

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"Summer is the season for catching delinquents." The first thing you heard was that, as you caught up to the boys after fetching a drink. "Nagisa-kun can be our bait to catch those that extort from him. We'll turn the tables on them and blackmail them." Karma smiled evilly. "Mm? Karma-kun, you know I don't do or assist in that kind of thing." You said, walking in front of the boys. Karma sighed as Sugino-kun asked Nagisa-kun for other options. "We could go to the beach..." Nagisa trailed off as your eyes reached Sugino-kun.

"Hello, Sugino! Haven't seen you in a while." Someone said from inside the field as the whole team gathered up at the fence. They started talking about something but you didn't care. However, your ears snapped up at, " just for the selected few. The rest of us can just forget it." You let out a noise from your throat as Nagisa-kun looked at you fearfully and asked, "Was that a growl?..." Karma-kun had already started talking to the captain so you two caught up.

"Oh really? You talk like you're one of the selected few." Karma-kun said as the captain countered, "Indeed I am." You stared at the captain who tried to dominate you and your friends. "Don't like it? Then how about we show you at the tournament? There are those chosen to stand at the top, and then there's-" the captain got cut off by you yawning. As everybody stared at you, your mind screamed and screeched but on the outside, "Karma-kun, catching your seasonal fish doesn't sound so bad. Sorry boys, we got work to do! See y'all never!" you caught Karma with one hand and the other two boys with the other as you walked away sticking your tongue to the team.

(Some time later, Nagisa was freaking out as you stopped breathing; Karma was patting your back for being cool and Sugino was the only one bringing water and doing things to help you.)

"Mm-hm. An intra-school ball game tournament, is it? Cultivating healthy minds and bodies through sports...Most excellent! However, why is the E Class not listed among the brackets?" Koro-sensei sweat-dropped. Mimura-san explained how we just had an exhibition show at the end. Lions against us poor students. Some of The Ayashi just walked away and out the class. After some discussions, Sugino said that it was impossible to win. "Etto Sugino-kun, don't give up just yet! I'm sure you can find a way." Sugino blushed a little but said, "Hai, I want to win. Even though the opponents are very strong. I don't want to lose at the sport I love. After getting kicked out of the baseball team and coming to the Class E, my feelings have actually grown stronger.I want to team up with these guys and-" Sugino looked up to see Koro-sensei 'so excited that he had face paint and ornaments on'. Way to ruin the mood.

"To reward this spirit, Coach Koro will impart upon you the training and strategy you need to win!"


The day of the match

You stopped right before the baseball field after your basketball game ended. Koro-sensei should've taught the girls about your game too. It wasn't fair but you were excited for the boys. Right now, they had scored three runs and you saw Asano at the bench. Your face contorted into something ugly as you saw his face. His eye caught your attention as he simply smirked. You went inside and made your way to the chairman. "Hah, didn't expect you to see here. Saw your basketball game, by the way; to be honest, you sucked. I expect you not to interfere here. That's why I even allowed you here in the first place." He said as you sat just behind him in the shadows. "Don't get so cocky. I know what you're going to do. That creepy brainwashing, still scares the crap outta me." You shivered.

"You remember the first time we met? You looked so innocent." Asano sighed. "I still am. I have just matured." you answered in a stoic voice. "Hah, your police records disagree." He leaned back to whisper. "You know I was innocent then. You even BELIEVED me, yet you are one to complain." you grunted as you stood up. "Well, shouldn't stay here long enough for your show. As I said, it's creepy. I'll still say you should remember why you let Aguri Yukimura work here." You said as you saw the hurt in Gakuho's eyes; you bet he could see it in yours too. "I'll be going, then." You said as you went outside not even bothering to look back.

"W-What in the world is this?! They've brought the infield and outfield in! I have never seen the entire defense moved in like this!" You turned around and saw that the opponents were fueled with a fire to stop our class. 'So, he didn't use his exact method. He did listen to me, even if it was for a moment.' You smiled as you joined the other girls to view the match. Everyone was just playing with tricks now. Cheap tricks, to be exact. However, you can't say you didn't smirk when Karma provoked everyone.

"No outs and bases loaded! And the batter that's our school's superstar! Our pride and joy! It's Shindou-kun!" the sports announcer/commentator shouted as the Captain made his way through the field, drooling. 'Yeah, that's it. I'm going back home. Wait a sec...'  You paused your thoughts and mouthed a 'Fuck You' to the chairman to which he just smirked (Gosh, he smirks a lot). You turned around but heard the commentator stutter. That's rare, so you turned around and saw Karma and Isogai were just in the swinging distance of the batsman. You facepalmed so hard that your forehead turned red. After that, you raised your hand up in the air and closed your fist to show the chairman that you were sorry and had surrendered. You two weren't making gestures at each other to show whose team was gonna win. You both were showing each other how stupid this game was getting. He just chuckled and came back to business with the team. He wanted his team to win and show Koro-sensei. He was full business at that.

In the end, Class E won. You wouldn't admit it but your conscience really said 'poor Asano' at that. "What a lovely reunion this was." The boys looked at you as you appeared behind them. "O-of Sugino-kun's and his friends' I mean." you stuttered. Karma smiled (more like smirked. WHY IS EVERYONE SMIRKING) and said, "Ah, yes. I feel like we have another pawn to catch our seasonal fish with." You swear you could see a mischief devil in him. "Well, it is true that we have a friend from the main building now..." You trailed off as your phone chimed.

"There's someone new coming tomorrow. I don't like that person, be aware." you read the text. Looks like this one's gonna be scary; to receive a message from your beloved chairman wasn't normal (Note the sarcasm there).

H-hey? Sorry, I just moved into a big ass house and had less time to write. Including that annoying problem of my internet. I can't say it's settled but I hope I'll upload other chapters soon.

If you watch or like reading fanfictions, see my profile.I am currently writing 6 fanfics (3 drafts, 2 published, 1 on hiatus). The topic of the drafts are mentioned in my profile desc. If you think i write good, stay tuned! Now its time for......


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