Chapter 12

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You couldn't sleep.
You still couldn't sleep. It kept bothering you. Would she be ok? Nobody deserved to be treated like that by their own guardian...or creator in this case. You sat up in your bed and changed the time back to what it should have been, 1:04am. Turns out changing the time, haha, oh, the IRONY! turns out faking that it was 3 in the morning didn't really help you sleep. If you slept now, you would see and hear all the things that the man/Ritsu's master would say. The only way was to wake up until all the things would be done. That means no sleep until 4am. Hard, I know, but no choice here.

You slipped out of the bed and wore your shoes. You wore a short hoodie and sweatpants (you be lookin' good), which were good enough for a midnight stroll in the middle of the woods, not creepy at all.

Ignore da face (and nails)

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Ignore da face (and nails)

You opened the door of your little cottage and creeped out of your house. Honestly, you would be scarier than the ghosts and creepy things out there. You walked through the tall trees illuminated by the moon. After going around in cirlces for some time, you reached the lake you were looking for. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. And you loved walking on it, over the moonlit waters (don't understand? Its ok, here you go). You settled your foot over a part of the water and froze it. It wouldn't turn into ice (you're not a Todoroki, Karma is) but it would just stay in place and be so still and concentrated that it would hold your weight. You used this method to reach the middle of the lake and sat down there and gazed up at the sky. The stars and the moon, so beautiful-

A rustling was heard behind you in the trees. You lost your grip on the water and fell into the lake. You sank deeper, unable to save yourself. You couldn't swim, and you didn't have the right state of mind to use your power. Panic always caused you to suppress it. Something slithered around your waist. A snake?! No, it was like a tentacle...was Koro-sensei here? But wait, the tentacle's color...white. As the tentacles pulled you upwards, out of the water, you lost consciousness. 


What...what was happening? Were you restrained, you couldn't tell. You felt a weight over you, looming. Wait, was this even real? Your eyes opened to see darkness all around. The vision? of Ritsu? Near you, you saw a light. Yup, this was a vision. You grasped the light as a scene played in front of you. A boy with white and blue hair, and tentacles. He was battling Koro-sensei, maybe. They were in a ring made of tables and chairs. A man in white was standing outside the ring. You couldn't see his face, though. One sentence stuck in your head, "I'll beat you, Koro-sensei...and you too, (Y/n)."

You gasped as you broke free from the dream/vision realm. You were all wet, your clothes and hair, soaked in water. A face was just in front of yours. Your eyes locked with the pair of golden ones as they continued to stare at you. Then suddenly, the boy who was in front of you retreated and went away before saying, "We will meet again, (Y/n)." You watched as his figure hopped from tree to tree until it disappeared. You were brought back to your senses by the uncomfortable feeling of your wet clothes sticking to your skin. You stood up and walked towards the door of your house....wait what? You were at the lake...and now at your house. Did the boy bring you here? Oh no.

The color drained from your face as you realized that this boy now knew where you lived(plus he knew your name). You had tried to avoid this situation at all cost. If he knows where you live, your secrets are surely to be revealed one by one (because of an intuition that he was evil). This boy was gonna know what you were accused of...and if he would reveal those secrets when he would come to the class as shown in the vision, you would be hated. Hated by every single one of your classmates.

Next day

Everybody, except you, tensed after hearing Karasuma-sensei. The creator of Ritsu had degraded her and put new conditions. You looked sideways to see Karma. His expression wasn't his usual one, he too looked tensed. Was this even possible? You realized he hadn't even talked to you after the trip. Knowing him, he surely would have asked you a lot of questions, directly or indirectly, but it didnt happen. You remembered how he had first came here, did those assassination attempts and the last blushed as the memories of you stuck over him in Koro-sensei's web came over your brain, along with the time when he had leaned over you at your table.

Karma seemed to notice this and when you opened you loomed at him again, you caught him staring at you. He blushed a little but still teased you, "Were you blushing thinking about me?~" You blushed again at his correct guess and looked the other way towards Ritsu. Karma quietened at this as he remembered about the AI. "So..." Karma started.
"So?" you asked.
"Will you tell me when she starts to attack today? Last time a pellet hit my face." Karma said, partly joking. It seemed like he was actually asking whether Ritsu would attack today or not.

"She'll not attack today." You replied. Karma looked genuinely surprised with this, "And why is that?" He further inquired. "Because when she got 'degraded', she hid some of the programs that Koro-sensei put in her."
And that was the end of the discussion. He then seemed to solve the piece the information together. During first period, everybody had the same thing on mind, "Will she attack today? Would things continue as before?" Ritsu's program started and as the side panels opened, a loud boom was heard which caused you to close your eyes, even when you k we nothing would go wrong.

You opened your eyes as a rose petal fell on your nose. "You wanted me to make flowers, didn't you?" Ritsu asked. You sweatdropped, 'Isn't that too late to give flowers?'. "When Koro-sensei upgraded me, he made a total of 985 changes to my functionality. My creator considered nearly all of them irrevelant to the assassination. They were deleted, removed, restored to default. But based on what I've learned in Class E, I've determined that cooperation is the key necessity to assassination. So before I was defaulted, I hid the related software in a corner of my memory." Ritsu explained.

"Amazing! So, Ritsu you..." Koro-sensei asked. "Yes! I went against my creators on my own free will." Ritsu said cheerfully. You looked at Kayano and Nagisa, both were smiling, as well as the rest of the class. You looked at Kayano again...something about her was familiar, had you seen her somewhere before this class? "She's quite something." Karma chuckled. Boi, you had told him what was going to happen, how was he acting so naturally? Or was he really acting?...'Don't tell me that the explanation I gave was gibberish to him!' As if reading your mind, he told you, "Ah, so you figured it out? It was all gibberish. Even an AI speaks better than you." he snickered.

You hid your face which was clearly radiating off anger and rage. You were muttering curses to Karma when Ritsu asked guiltily, "Koro-sensei, does this mean I'm a rebel? Am I a naughty girl?" "Not at all. This is more like a junior student. An exemplary student!" Koro-sensei answered with a red circle on his face. And so, a new comrade was added to Class E. From now onwards, there will be 28 of us working to assassinate Koro-sensei. ((╥_╥) I'm sorry Nagisa, for stealing your lines...but they're so awesome! UwU")

Heya, author here. I tried to upload as fast as I could, cause y'know...exams....

Anyway thats it for this update!
Now lemme sleep.(Me casually NOT tryna be rude)


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