Hold Me Down

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For every bit of imagination Marina had about the ways she would cuddle Yoongi, he exceeded her expectations. He found more positions for them to snuggle than he did when they had sex in Nyx...which was saying a lot.

They spent the morning in bed, Jimin being sweet enough to bring in their breakfast in exchange for a share of the cuddles. They had prepared fruits and sweet pastries, and Jimin had made blueberry-peach smoothies instead of coffee so they could nap when their bellies were full. Yoongi surprised her by opting to watch anime shows and read to her from manga, keeping the mood lighter than the side he showed sexually or when he was working.

Throughout the day, they played 20 Questions, Yoongi's inquisitive nature connecting with their desires to get to know one another. Between it all, whether on the bed, the couch, a puddle of pillows on the floor, or even together in the kitchen making a late lunch, they were physically connected at all times. The snuggles and nuzzles were obviously necessary, but the hand holding, hugging, playful tickling, and soothing tracing of hands and fingers over their bodies was both unexpected and welcome.

Laying in bed once again, Yoongi was sprawled over Marina, his head resting comfortably on her stomach while her shirt was pushed up so he could rest his cheek directly on her skin. He drew patternless shapes over her ribs as he was in the middle of another round of Get To Know Yous.

"Ooh," he sighed, "It's almost dinner time. What's your favorite food, Bean?"

Marina laughed, "I just like food. Although, since moving to this side of the world, I have to say that sushi and loaded ramen have taken on a new meaning of love for me. Good galbi is up there, too." She sifted his hair through her fingers, "Why have you been calling me Bean all day?"

Yoongi shrugged, "You're short. You even make Jimin seem tall...you're like a tiny little bean, Bean." He popped his head up to look her in the eyes, his own sparkling, "If I order all of your favorites and feed you tonight, will you feed me back?" his winked, poking her in the ribs.

"That's a lot of food!" she gasped, unable to deny that her mouth watered at the thought.

"There are eight of us living here," he reminded her, "Plus it would be a meal that has fish oils, iron, B12, and potassium, which will make sure you still have some energy if I take a big drink," he smiled seductively, "Or several small ones."

"You're being uncharacteristically bold," she quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm being characteristically blunt," he answered with another shrug.

"Fine," she agreed, a buzz of anticipation running through her as she did, "Feed me all the good food, and I'll serve myself up to on a platter."

"Not on a platter," he shook his head, "In a harness. I think you'll find a few suitable ones in your closet that Taehyung bought for you, with clips."

"Name your terms, then," she smirked, "Your room or mine?"



"Harness only."

"Stay the night?"

"Most definitely."

"Deal," she nodded her head, "Pleasure doing business with you, Min."

Yoongi gave her a slow wink, eyeing her with a sly gaze, "The pleasure is all mine, Count." He grinned, laying his head back down on her stomach and using the nearby remote to turn on another round of anime, "This is going to be fun."

Marina chuckled at the switching back and forth moods of the demon, settling back down to watch the show. She went back to lazily running her fingers through his soft tresses, eventually dozing off.

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