One | Amaretto cheesecake

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"Yes chef. Oh yes Chef. Fuck me hard! Right there!"

Okay so. . .I cringed.

This was just one reason in thousand to why I didn't watch shitty-ass porn hub. I was more of a home-made video type of gal anyway. Literally, each video I searched needed to have home-made in the title. It made it seem, I'll say- realer; because the acting that was showing on my screen right now? It was horr-en-dous.

Porn hub acting was always terrible. And when I say terrible, I mean Quentin Tarantino level-acting terrible. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw him pop up in Django Unchanged. It was the first time I ever saw him act, and to put it nicely; it was bad. He was an amazing director no doubt but when he stepped over the directing line and crossed into acting, it was a big no for me.

Hell even I was better.

I truly believed that I was a better actor than the two people that were stuck in my lightly lit phone screen that were quote on quote: fucking. Plus Tarantino. I remember a time back in high school when my amazing acting skills paid off. It was around prom time and my mom wanted me to wear the exact same dress she had on when she went to prom. It was, to put it nicely; the ugliest thing I ever saw in my life. But my amazing acting skills came right into play and I plastered a smile on my face; acting like I was eager to wear it.

My parents did a lot for me during my nagging adolescent teen years and I felt like I owed them for it. And not to brag but- they were incredible. Their contact names were of course saved as favorites in my phone. Their names were in a special font accompanied by three heart emojis. They were my favorite people in the world. My go-tos for my issues. My go-tos for most of the problems in my life. So, yeah I sacrificed my original edgy prom dress and slapped the ugly one right on without any complaints.

I'm that type of daughter.

A good daughter. A good child. Just kidding. I was an okay child. I knew what a good child looked like- I was far from it.

A good 'child' wouldn't be watching this terrible-acting porn, and if I might add- without headphones in, while her friend was one door away. A good child wouldn't be fantasying about said friend's, who was one door away, brother either. A good child wouldn't have picked the chef category at all, knowing the circumstances. And the best child of all wouldn't be constantly daydreaming of fucking said friend's brother: a chef.

So yeah. I was an okay child.

The terrible actress moaned again loudly and it brought me out from my thoughts. "Chef stick the wooden spoon all the way up my-"

I closed the tab so fast, oh so fast. Faster than Lighting McQueen himself. I made a mental note to remind myself that I needed to buy earphones. I didn't want what happened last time - when a strange noise came from my room - to repeat. Erin, my roommate with the hot older brother, never needed to bust through my door again, scare the living shit out of me, and cause me to drop my phone. And this time she defiantly didn't want to get a glimpse of what I was watching. Or my search history.

God, my search history looked like an overly horny 14-year old child's one that had a slight thing for chefs. It read: Chef fucking student. Chef fucking other chef. Chef just fucking.

I was not proud.

I was also not proud of myself for having these thoughts about my roommate's brother. I doubt she would care, but in my mind, I saw it as a problem. I wanted to build a wall. Add distance the the situation. But lucky for me, that was not possible. Distance wasn't possible. I got the pleasure of seeing him once a week- in class. My roommate's brother was my teacher: Vance Lawson. Well in class, he's chef. Chef Lawson. Chef hard-ass. Chef asshole. And chef brown eyes. I mean- uh hard eyes.

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