Brian- I don't know...I'm just.....*Sighs* Evan....How do you tell someone, you like them?

I thought about it for a moment, finding it a bit funny.

Me- Brian, you've asked out tons of people. Why would you need my help?

Brian- Because, Evan....I-, You're the only one I can really trust with this information, but....I want to tell Brock how much I like him when we go to Tyler's on Tuesday.

Now it hit me. He was asking advice for a guy, not a girl. But why would he ask me that? He didn't even know I was Bi. I guess gay.

Me- Oh. That's great man! Umm, I don't really know uh...I think it's easier confessing to a guy than it is a girl. I mean, yeah, if your hot enough, any girl would attack the chance to get in your pants.

I laughed, cringing at how true that had been in my past. He laughed as well.

Brian- Aint that true...but I mean, guys also do that to girls as well. Kinda focked up if ye ask me.

Me- We live in a fucked up world. Anyways. I think no matter what you say to Brock, he'll definitely be cool about it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he's thinking the exact same thing you are right now.

Brian- R-really? You think so?

Me- I do.

It was silent for a couple seconds, but I could tell he was smiling.

Brian- Well, tanks Evan. I gotta say, sounds like you've done this before.

Me- Well....i kind of have.

Brian- shite. How did it go??

I smiled, thinking about these past two days with John.

Me- Ya that I think about it....I don't think I've actually asked him officially.

Brian- What?! Why the fock not? Did ya just have sex or somthin and forget??

Me- Wha- No! Brian! I just.....It was...kinda emotional these past couple days, I didn't get around to it.

Brian- Well. What's his name?


Brian- Really? What does he look like?

Me- Well. Hes got light brown, short hair, bright blue eyes, freckles. He's kinda short, and he's got red, red, lips.

Brian-....Ya know, I'm not a big detective or anything....But did you just describe your best mate?

Me- What? Who?

Brian- Evan? Did you hook up with Delirious?

I clicked my tongue and smiled a bit

Me- Maybe

Brian- You fuck!! What do you mean!? How!? When!? Forfocksakeswhydidntyoutellme!?

Me- Holy shit Brian chill down *laughs*

Brian- Wait wait wait....Are you in North Carolina?

At that moment, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

John- Yes! Now fuck off Brian.

With that, he hit the end call button and put his face in the curve of my back. I chuckled and spun myself around in his arms, so that his face was in (on?) my stomach. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head, "Hey babe. How long you been there?" -John- "Couple seconds, why?" -Me- " reason...Hey? You wanna go out today?" He looked up at me with a bright smile on his face, his eyes lighting up, "Yes! Oh pls, yes!"

I chuckled again, leaning down and kissing his lips. I pulled away, rubbing my thumb on the side of his cheek. "Jonathan Denis...I really do love you." He blushed and smiled, "And Evan Fong, I love you." I smiled and turned back around, finishing up the eggs. I could hear my phone buzzing every couple of seconds, telling me I was getting text after text from Brian. I pulled out the bacon and started making our plates. I placed a biscuit, in half, on John's plate, piling gravy on top, placing bacon and eggs on the side.

I got two biscuits, pulling them in half, piling gravy on top of them, and placing bacon and eggs on the side. I pulled out some orange juice from the fridge and got us two glasses. We sat down at the table and started eating. He took a bite and let out a ~mmmm~ letting me know it was good. I chuckled as he looked up at me, "Ev, this is really good. Thank you." -Me- "Of course, your welcome."

As we finished up, I took a last drink of my orange juice, and looked at John, who was scraping his plate clean. I just smiled at him. Gosh, I couldn't get enough of him. I just loved him. I was going to take him out to the beach and a nice restaurant, to finally, officially, make him mine. Well, at least the first step to officially making him mine. The final part will come later. Later, but soon.

I picked up our plates and walked them to the sink. As I started washing the dishes, I felt John's arms wrap around my waist. Man, how I could get use to that. He rubbed his head against my back, "So, Ev. What shall we do today?" -Me- "Well, THAT is a secret that you will find out soon enough." He whined and hugged me tighter, "Can I at least have a hint?" I chuckled and shook my head, "Nnnnope. Sorry babe, you'll have to wait."

He whined again, and I laughed again. He was so adorable. We finished up the dishes and ran up to our rooms to get ready. I threw on some black jeans with small rips on the knees, and an orange T with a black leather jacket. I threw on some orange vans to match the T. I put on my gold chain necklace, and a pair of orange sunglasses atop on my head. I spiked up my hear a flashed a smile in the mirror, "Hot as ever Evan."

I walked out of my room and into John's. He was putting on an outfit that was really sexy in my opinion. He had on pale blue jeans with rips going all the way down, and a giant, white "VG" hoodie. About two sizes to big, making the sleeves go past his hands. He had a light blue beanie on, with dark blue sunglasses resting on top of them. I think I had the wind knocked out of me when I saw him. I had my mouth open and my eyes wide. And....I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks? Now that, has never happened. Not a blush like out of embarrassment...but a blush out of...ya know.

I guess I was staring a little to long for John's comfort because he started shifting around, holding onto his elbow with his other hand. -Me- "Sorry, sorry. You just....look really hot." -John- "I could say the same for you, smooth caramel. Just looking at you makes me want to-...." I saw him get really red and I just gave him a sly smirk, "Oh really? Well....maybe tonight. Ooooo, sorry, we have to leave tomorrow. Looks like you'll just have to wait a couple weeks."

His smile dropped and he looked at me wide eyed, "y-yeah, I can. Pfft, I can wait that long." I knew he was lying so I just gave another smirk and walked up to him, hugging his waist. -Me- "~Mmmm~ Jonathan Denis, You will be mine. But for now, lets get going." I slapped his ass, making him both jump and giggle. We walked downstairs and got ready to go. John grabbed his keys and turned off the lights, opening up the back shades/curtains. We then walked out the door, getting into his dark blue Toyota Mirai. I looked up the direction on my phone, and drove off. 

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