"Of course."

I found an area on the roof where I could catch a glimpse of who else was at the door. 

"Hey, Natsu!" Lisanna said. "Good morning," another girl said.

"Hey Mira! Long time no see," he rocked uncomfortably back and forth. "Lisanna."

"Mira?" I peaked over the edge. "MIRA?!" Shock overcame my body. "You... you're alive?"

I saw Mira peak over at me. "Sorry about this guys, I forgot to do something at home, I'll be right back," she started to walk to the end of the house, turned and hopped onto the roof with me. "Lu-lucy?" I started crying so I hopped off the roof and ran. She followed me, I was going full speed and before I knew it, she was running right beside me. "Bu-but only a full blood..." 

"Lucy, please stop. I'm not mad anymore," she sounded sincere, and if she does kill me for what I did then I deserve it I guess. I hopped onto a tree, in which she followed me.

"I-I'm so sorry, Mira. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, water under the bridge. I get it now and you suffered with it too. I'm sorry that your mom was killed because of me."

"I'm sorry YOU were killed because of me," I sobbed. "Please. Do whatever you need to. Even if that is kill me. I'm so sorry."

"Lucy, I said I get it. When I was transformed, at first all I wanted to do was kill you. But then, the hunger hit. I finally understood why it happened. It wasn't hate, nothing like that. It was instinct. You were stopped after me and I'm still here because my mom, or step-mom I should say,  turned me before she killed yours. I did a lot more damage when my hunger hit," she looked down ashamed.

"But you were my best friend!" I cried. "My parents were right, I should've stayed away. I'm sorry I thought I could handle it. I created so much heartbreak for you."

"Yeah, you probably should've listened. But now I'm just like. A pure blood so, let's stay together!"

"What about your dad? Is he okay!?" I asked hopeful. "He passed away, it didn't work on my dad," I continued to cry, it getting a little stronger, my body getting weaker. "Come on," she put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up to a smile so pure and full of light. "We have a lot to catch up on. For now, we keep living and atoning for our pasts."

"Yeah," my lips curled up a bit. "I'll live until I can say I have atoned for what I did."

"Me too, Lucy. Me too," she helped me up, and we started walking back, holding hands like we used to do when we were young girls. 

"You know, when you kept telling me you were a vampire when you were younger, I thought you were so silly! Look at us now!" I started to giggle, in which she joined.

After a minute or so, my face sulked. "What about Lisanna. Does she know?"

"Nope, she's completely human and unaware. I want to tell her but, I don't think she could handle it. I don't want to put her in danger."

"I wouldn't suggest it. Natsu knows now, and now he's being targeted by Sting and his group."

"He's a vampire!?"

"Half, yeah. Him, another vamp who is 3/4, and a Cerebus,'" I rubbed my arm with my open hand.

"So, uh. If Lisanna doesn't know about us then how does she think her parents died?"

"Well, as you know, our biological mother died way before this happened, when Lisanna and you were about 1 and I was 3, Elfman 2. Then, I told her that our dad and step-mom passed away in a car accident, along with everyone else that knew them. I went away... looking for you so. Elfman and Lisanna spent about a year and a half by themselves. I never felt worse about something."

I scratched the back of my head, guilt overwhelmed me. "Oh, and obviously their memories were wiped from when you... you know."

"Yeah, I know."

We were near the house. "I have to run, Lisanna wants me as far away from Natsu as possible," I chuckled nervously.

"Okay! Stay in touch, I'll talk to her about it. For now, probably for the best though," she chuckled, and wiped a tear from my eye. 


I sat down at the table with a plate of french toast, Lisanna next to me. Way too close. 

"So! We can- and- and-" to be honest, I was not paying attention to what she was saying, I simply just nodded and responded with "Okay," or 'Is that so?" and so on. My mind was so focused on Lucy. I know I will still be able to see her but I value the time at school with her, any time with her. I started blushing, thinking about the entirety of last night. 

"Aww! I knew you'd be excited! So cute when you blush!"

"Oh, actual-" I was interrupted with someone opening the door. "Mira! You're back!" Lisanna gushed. "Probably for the best that I didn't say why I was blushing anyways..."

"Yeah, probably not! Hey, Natsu!"


"Nope! I'm just like her! That where I went off to. Don't tell Lis, okay?"

"You're just like her?!"

"Natsu, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"I'm sure he's fine. He's not supposed to be awake for another hour and a half," Mira giggled, acting as if nothing happened. 

"Where's Luce?" I growled... in my head.

"I'm not sure. She walked away before we reached the house," my eyes looked down, catching onto her hand. I could see the glimmer of her tears until she wiped them on her pants.

"She'll tell you about it next time."

"Natsu! Why are you staring at my sister like that?!" I shook my head. "I'm just tired, is all."

"Really? Thought with the french toast you would've been awake."

"Yeah, well my body is weird like that," she looked at me confused and unsure.

"Anyways," he mood quickly changed. "Would you like to join me-" Mira interrupted. "Us," 

"Right, us. For a bike ride and after some lunch?"

"Sounds nice but, I have plans," I have to check on Lucy.

"Plans for what?" She got suspicious. This really pissed me off.

"Well, since you decided that Lucy can't be around anymore I'm going to hangout with her and my other friends," I grumbled.

"Well then, I should join you!" 

"We," Mire corrected.

It has been awhile since I've hung out with Mira. I do want to see how Lucy and her interact. Make sure Lucy isn't in any trouble.

"I have to talk to them about it."

"Oh come one! No you don't! They all love me other than Lucy."

"I'm pretty sure Lucy likes you the most out of everyone, and that is saying something."

"I was going to say, Lucy didn't see all that hateful towards her. Though she spent nearly a decade thinking she killed me, so."


"So she told you about out past? Huh, no need to worry. We lost a lot that day and now that I'm someone like her, I get it."

"That's why she cried. She felt bad."

"When did you get this smart, Natsu," she pretended to ask.

"I need a response sometime today, Natsu?" 

"Yeah," I said, forgetting what the topic was.

"Great! Send me the address and I'll be over around noon!"


"See you then, Natsu!" Mira said. Shit, I thought.

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