Chapter 8

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He fell, his back facing the ground, eyes open toward me. That look he gave me. No fear. No cry for help. I couldn't tell if he had no consideration for his life or if he was just that confident that he wouldn't die. I guess he was right. I wasn't going to let him die. I launched myself down, meeting with his speed and grasped onto the building.

"How were you so sure I was going to catch you?"

"Luce, you idiot."

We slowly went down. He was shaking slightly, but considering the drop, not very much.

"No thank you?"


I genuinely laughed. My mind is so twisted. How can the guy I just threatened make me so happy. And more so, how can the guy I just threatened not run away screaming? Begging for mercy? Odd one.

"Let me walk you home," we said simultaneously. "Natsu."


"Someone literally just tried to eat you."

"You threw me off a building."

"Y- fine. You're staying in the guest bed."

"I have a cat to take care of! And... it's a school night."

"It's a Saturday."

"Fine, may I stay over then. I don't want you out of my sight, who knows what will happen," He started walking. "Why, so you can eat me?" He laughed. I hopped on his back and put my mouth to his neck while my hand rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. I could tell it spiked. I sort of snuggled into his neck to alleviate the fear, yet that only got his heart rate to increase. All these years and I thought the calmer someone was, the slower the heart, I guess I was wrong?

I hopped off his back, "Lead the way."

"Nuh, uh. You aren't following me home," I looked at him, nobody has ever been able to resist my puppy eyes. It's not a power but I guess I'm just that damn cute... teehee.

He starts to stutter, but then a smirk comes on his face. "That powers weakness is awareness, it ain't gonna work, Luce!" 

"It's actually not-" he interrupts me, "Besides, I just said you can't follow me, not that you can't come over!" He picks me up over his shoulder, and starts to run. "You realize how easily I could get out of this, right?"

"But you're not gonna!"

"Oh yeah, who says? Why not?"

"I say and because you liiiiiiike me!"

"DO NOT!" I start to hit his back, not wanting to hurt him I try to replicate human strength.  "I'll summon my 9-tailed fox again!" 

"That was so unnecessary the first time, and even more so now! Besides, like you said, you can easily get out of this if you wanted!"

"You really are trouble..."

"Me? The human? In comparison to a fucking VAMPIRE."

"Trouble and dangerous are two different things."

"Oi, Luce."

He drops me off in front of this house in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. Most houses fell into either a blue or some neutral color, like cream or tan. Natsu's, however; was this dark salmon/tan color. It actually looked really nice. It wasn't very obnoxious, and although it does stand out, it's  not in a way where it's a huge eyesore. 

"This is it, it's just me who lives here. My dad and my brother had it mostly paid off, and when the rest of the neighborhood heard about my brothers disappearance, they all chipped in to finish off the house payment. Really awesome of them. They also all respected my wish to live here instead of being put into an orphanage or anything like that."

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