Chapter 5

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"Stand behind me Luce," Natsu whispered. "No, you stand behind me. I've met these guys, you don't know what they're capable of," I replied, not bothering with whispering.

"We need to get everyone out of here, it's dangerous. There's only three of them, two Vamps, and a Cerberus. Gray, Jellal, and myself will try to get them to leave, if not we'll fight. Erza be on the lookout for anymore coming. Everyone else, evacuate everyone from the area. If it comes to a fight everyone at 'em."

"Got it!" They all replied.

"Sabers, what brings you guys here?"

"Oh come on, we have names. Use them."

"Fine, Sting, Rouge, and Rufus."

"Lucy," Sting smirked.

"Now, answer my question; why are you here?" Venom laced dangerously through my voice.

"No need to be hasty, we just want a nice meal."

"You'll have to find another place to hunt."

"Sweets, we don't ask," he paused for suspense. "We take!"

"Oh my Mavis! I totally didn't see that coming!" I replied sarcastically.

"Well, I'd love to catch up, but your friends are taking my course."

"I really don't want to fight. Leave."

"No can do pure blood."

By this time, about 3/4 of the school had been evacuated. I sensed Natsu behind me still.

"Leave," I whispered behind me. He went in front of me, completely frustrated. "Who the hell are you?"

"Natsu! I said go!"

"Oh, who's this? Trying to date a human, pure blood? I thought you were better than that," Sting continuously clicked his mouth. "Last I checked, that wasn't aloud."

"This isn't Twilight, there is no Volturi, there for; no rules."

"Even though there's nobody to enforce them, doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful..." he gave me a fake disapproved look.

"Either way, I would be breaking that 'rule' we aren't dating. Besides, exposing our secret would be way more crucial."

"Blah, blah, blah, can we just continue. We don't have time for this!" Gray yelled.

"What the Hell is everyone talking about!"

"Levy," I said signaling her to take him away.

"Oh no, he's first on my list. He isn't going anywhere!" Sting launched himself at Natsu at full speed. Luckily, since he's only a half blood, he's not nearly as fast as I.

"Lucy! Get out of here! This dude is inhuman!"

I could help but laugh. "He may be dangerous to you, but this little bee isn't very impressive to me."

"Rufus, Rouge. Let's show them what we're about."

Everyone but Natsu and the creatures are the only ones left in the gym.

Rufus transformed into his Cerebus form, which Jellal also did since Rufus was jumping towards Erza. Natsu was sweating buckets, confusion plastered on every inch of his face. Gajeel switched places with Gray, and was fighting Rouge. I, on the other hand, was in front of Natsu, getting ready for Stings attack. Natsu was trying to get in front of me still, even though I can tell he was terrified.

"I didn't want you to know this way, but looks like I don't get my way, hmm."


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