Chapter 2- Nah it's just the first day

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here's the friday update! note that this is not edited and is kind of a filler chapter so yeah :)

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Monday morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping.

Ugh,the first day of school.

My first day of school in a town I left 3 years ago, with Colton and all those people I had tried so hard to forget about.

The past couple days hadn't been too bad. It was actually good to spend more time with Anna and Kim. My dad had been at work the whole weekend. He worked in the local museum as one of the CEOs or something, and they had been facing some problems so I hadn't seen much of him since my first night here.

I had been dreading my first day 24/7 the past couple days. You never truly appreciate the summer until you go back and then you wish you had done more than sit on your ass and do shit.

I slammed my hand down on my alarm, letting out an exasperated sigh.

I mentally sent a prayer that today wouldn't be too horrible before I lazily rolled out of bed.

I thought about drawing my curtains to let in some light, but then I remembered.

Having Colton as a next door neighbor had more cons than pros at this point. You can go ahead and toss privacy out the window.

I left the curtains shut despite the darkness that concealed my room.

I made my way over to the light and turned it on before getting dressed.

I got dressed in a simple dress with a jean jacket and some flats. Normally I don't care about my school outfit; I usually just wake up late and throw on a pair of sweats. But I decided that since it was the first day of school at a new school, I should put a little bit of effort into my appearance.

I tamed my horrendous bed head before grabbing my book bag and running downstairs.

Anna was already in the kitchen when I got there.

"Hey Finn! Excited about your first day?" Anna asked.

I grabbed a piece of toast

"Oh yeah, super psyched" I said with a sarcastic edge "How about you? Excited about not being a freshman?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes "Yeah, you have no idea. You wouldn't believe the amount of pranks the seniors played on us. It was beyond stupid. freshman year sucked ass" She said

I laughed, "My freshmen year sucked ass too" I said

Freshman year pretty much sucks for everyone.

"So...are you ready to see Becca?" Anna asked awkwardly, shifting the conversation.

I shrugged, "I'd be lying if I said I was" I said.

After the whole scene a couple days ago when I first arrived, I had told Anna about how Becca and I use to be friends and her tendency to try to date as many guys as possible.

Anna had known Becca was dating Colton. She said they were the IT couple in the school and everyone knew them.

Anna's hatred for her hadn't started until I told her my past with her though.

I had told Anna that hating her really wasn't necessary, but Anna said it was a bitch move to date your best friend's crush.

I couldn't argue with her, but I wanted to start off this year right, and hating someone wasn't a good way to begin.

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