Chapter 30 - Steps

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It had been a month since Max's accident, and things were starting to clear up a little.

The fairly cold and stillness of winter had faded away and the sun had started to show itself- announcing the arrival of spring.

The arrival of spring also meant that the wedding was quickly approaching- in less than two months, my dad would be married to Kim and Anna and I would officially become sisters.

It was exciting- there was a joyous buzz around the house and not a day went by without talk of the wedding. Anna and I had already bought our bridesmaid dresses and nearly everything was in place.

I guess you could say Kim and My dad were so excited they wanted to get everything done in advance.

Max was doing well- as well as could be expected. He still had a cast on his arm- and there was a permanent scar stretching across his forehead- a permanent reminder of what had happened. But the initial shock was over and he was in a state of remission.

A little after Max had gotten out of the hospital, we had gone on our first date. Our first official date. And thanks to finally passing my driver's test, I was able to drive us to our first date.

Yes. There would be no more walking to and from school for me.

For our date we went to the beach cafe, which had just recently opened up do to the the arrival of the warm weather. It just so happened we had bumped into none other than Colton, who didn't really have much to say to us, other than to sneer at Max. The funniest part though? Becca was with him...again.

And in that moment I hadn't felt anything other than pity for Colton.

It made me question what I had even seen in him in the first place. I guess somethings just never change.

Max and I had just laughed though.We had then ordered smoothies and spent the next couple hours talking...which had reminded me of our first real talk on New Years Eve. It was relaxing and effortless and absolutely perfect.

But now, I was at the beach with my family- another family bonding escapade my dad had set up.

It was better than the last time. Nothing seemed forced, and we all genuinely wanted to 'bond'.

"Finnly, I told you- I've gotten better at surfing from the last time" Anna said, crossing her arms.

"And when have you practiced?" I asked," it's been winter for the last few months and I don't remember seeing you get out in the last couple weeks to go to the beach" I said matter-a-factly.

Anna rolled her eyes, "You don't need to actually need the beach to get practice surfing" she said, "I've been surfing the web".

I burst out laughing, "Ok, that was pretty good" I said.

Anna laughed, nodding, "I know right? But seriously, I think I'm going to do better this time. I've watched some videos online and I think they may help me a little bit with my form"

I just laughed again, "I'll believe it when I see it" I said, "Not that I don't have faith in you, I really do...but your form was absolutely horrible the last time"

Anna chose a board from the rack of surf boards near the swim shack, " haven't practiced in awhile either, so who says you're one to talk?" Anna asked, handing me a board.

I rolled my eyes and took the board, started to head toward the shore line, "We'll see" I said.

We waved back to Kim and my dad before starting to paddle out to sea. It was fairly late in the evening, right before dinner and the Sun was already starting to set- casting rays of oranges and pinks across the horizon.

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