Chapter 14- Homecoming pt.2

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"I've been dancing so long my feet feel like they're going to fall off" Anna whined.

"Hey, you were the one that wanted to dance in the first place!" I said, continuing to do another one of my lame dance moves.

"Yeah! You got us started and now we can't stop" Evan said, waving his hands in the air like he just did not care.

Anna groaned, "Can we just go get something to drink?" she asked. She bumped into some guy's sweaty back and cringed, springing toward us.

"What? Are you thirsty?" I asked, stressing the last word. I took hold of Evan's hands and we spun one another around, just to mess with Anna.

Anna let out a small exasperated laugh, "Yeah, actually I am very thirsty" she said, bending down to rub her feet.

We had ended up taking our heels off before the second song had even started. And I was pretty positive even after only one song of dancing; my feet were covered in blisters.

When we didn't stop Anna groaned again, "Seriously, we've danced for almost a full two hours. Evan- you're dancing went from bad to just plain horrible and Finnly- you're legs are literally glistening with sweat. I think it's seriously time to give it a rest"

I stopped dancing and Evan followed suit, "Fine, Anna. I guess you've learned never to ask us to dance again" I said, rolling my eyes.

Evan just laughed as we walked over to the food table- where we had started the night , "You know, I thought this night would just be really depressing... considering the people we both like are here with someone else..." he trailed off, glancing at me , "But this has actually been pretty fun".

I nodded, "Yeah! And we haven't seen them the entire night" I pointed out, referring to Colton and Mia.

Anna laughed and brought her glass to her lips, "Don't jinx it- they're getting ready for the slow songs now" she said.

I watched all the people without dates slouch off the dance floor as the first slow song began. Only about a couple dozen people remained, starting to dance with their partner.

I crossed my arms when I saw Mia with Kyle. She hadn't bothered talking to us the entire night- other than the short introduction when I had first arrived. You would think after all the nagging she had done to get me to go- she would've at least tried hanging out with us more.

Evan coughed, obviously seeing Mia with Kyle as well, "Anna, I know you're tired and all, but do you want to dance?" he asked, holding his hand out to her.

I almost laughed at how formal he was. Evan was a very romantic guy- it actually kind of surprised me when Mia didn't take any notice in him because of that. He was thoughtful and caring- someone that really deserved to be happy.

Anna raised her eyebrows in surprise and sat down her glass, "Sure, why not?" she said, taking his hand.

I smiled as he led her over to the dance floor and they started swaying together. Anna was so short compared to him- I really just wanted to take a picture for the sake of it.

I sighed softly when Colton and Becca came into view. Becca was literally plastered to his chest, her eyes closed and her feet moving effortlessly. Colton had his arms around her, but his eyes were open- scanning the room.

I mentally prayed he wouldn't notice me. Yeah, I didn't have a date, and I knew he knew that- but that didn't mean I actually wanted him to see me alone.

Talk about embarrassing.

"Hey, do you want to dance?"

I turned around to face the guy that had come up behind me.

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