Chapter 8 - Deep DEEP Down

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"Well, hell" I muttered as I opened my locker.

Lying inside was yet another photo from Friday at the football game.

It shouldn't have surprised me; I had received crap about the picture all day.

"Hey Finnly! How was that slushie?"

I ignored whoever it was and put some of my books back into my locker.

A couple more people tossed comments my way as they passed me, and I was literally burning in anger by the time I had finished with my locker.

How could Becca have done that? I knew it was her, no one else would care enough to post something like that on the school website.

I had found the picture on the student photo board last night. 

I was standing near the football field; right after Becca had dumped the slushie on me. My hair and clothes were blue and the picture had been taken at the exact moment I was scrunching my face together in anger.  Needless to say, I looked like shit.

The caption under it read: Welcome back Finnly Cage! (We know this isn't the most photogenic picture of her, but it was the best one we could find- kisses, Student Council)

My ass Student Council put that up. It was obviously Becca.

Didn't she realize that she had absolutely no competition with me whatsoever? Not for Homecoming Queen, not for Prom Queen, not for Class President, and definitely not with Colton.

So what was her problem?

I pushed my way past some people until I reached the lunch room.

I just kept telling myself that my hardest classes were over and there was one more class after lunch I had to go to before I could just go home.

Hopefully this whole thing would blow over in a day or two, but in a school with only 100 kids per grade, it was very unlikely.

"Finn! Over here!" Anna called from a table in the corner.

I smiled in relief and walked over to the table, setting my stuff down on the floor.

"Hi Mia! Hi Evan" I said as I pulled out my lunch.

Evan just gave me a small wave and went back to the homework he was doing. To be honest I didn't even know why he was sitting with us. Sure, it didn't bother me. He was nice and maybe part of it was because he was doing the stupid Romeo and Juliet project with Mia, but he never said anything.

"Hey Finn!" Mia said, "How are you doing?" she asked.

I shrugged, "Fine" I said.

Mia raised an eyebrow, "Really? You don't look to good" she said , "It's totally understandable if you're upset or anything..."

Of course she was talking about the photo.

"Of course I'm upset!" I blurted out, "That good for nothing bit-"

"Woah! Calm down! I have something that can make you feel better" Anna suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.

I looked over at her , "If this has anything to do with him, I'm not interested" I said.

I had gotten pretty use to Anna bringing up 'operation Folton' almost every day, but right now I couldn't even bare to hear his name. If I did I think I might just throw myself out the window.

Anna's smile wavered for a second before she leaned across the table in excitement , "But this is good news" she said.

"No" I said plainly, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

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