Chapter 21- Aftermath

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"He did what?!"

I just nodded and threw myself on my bed, tossing my backpack aside.

Anna sat down on my window seat, "Colton kissed Becca? Even after everything she did to you? Even after she lied to him?" she asked.

I groaned, "Yes, I'd rather not explain it again" I said, closing my eyes.

"I just don't get it" she said, "I mean why would you even do that after all the things she did? It's not right" she continued.

I opened my eyes and glanced over at her, "He was dating her for three years" I said, blandly, "I suppose 'girlfriend for three years' beats 'girl I kissed in eighth grade'" I said.

It made sense why he did it. I was someone from the past, and obviously someone he had moved on from. Once I actually thought about it, it wouldn't make much since for him to completely let go of Becca just because of some stupid thing she did a couple years ago. And I really didn't know what their relationship had been like...for all I know it could've been rainbows and unicorns between them. Some girl, me, shouldn't come in and just change that.

Anna bit her lip, "I suppose" she said, "but Becca was being mean and that's not something he should just tolerate"

I nodded and sat up on my bed, "I know, I know" I said thoughtfully, "But for some reason that is clearly unknown, he loves her and that's not something I can easily change"

"Why are you being so down about this? This is just a simple hiccup in 'Operation Folton'" Anna said reassuringly, standing up.

I shook my head, "Anna, I think we should just end that." I said honestly, "Operation Folton is no more"

Anna shook her head from side to side in a defiant manner, "No" she said, "No, you're going to be happy and that's that" she said, "If you want Colton then I'm going to make that happen"

"I'll deal with it, ok?" I offered, real hoping she would just drop it, "I'll talk to him about it, I'll just go ahead and tell him everything and then we'll see what happens" I said.

Anna sighed and saw back down, trying to calm herself down, "Fine" she said, "But if he continues to be a douche after you talk to him, I'm going to have to give him a whoopin'"

I rolled my eyes, "Ok, deal" I said.

I laid back down on my bed, smooshing a pillow against my face and marveled in the silence.

I didn't want to talk to Colton. But I figured I needed to. I thought all of this drama would end when I told Colton what Becca had done, but low and behold- drama kept arising. And somehow it was getting worse and worse. It was time for me, again, to talk to Colton and hopefully clear some crap up.

"So, when?" Anna asked

I looked up at her, "When what?" I asked.

"When are you going to talk to him?"

I gave her a small laugh, "Well not right now" I said, "I just saw him kiss my ex-best friend...I think I need a little more time to digest everything" I continued.

Anna shrugged and got up from the window seat, "Ok, then" she said, giving me a cheery smile, "I'm just going to go into my room and think about Evan" she said, before skipping out of my door.

I couldn't help but laugh. If anyone else had said that it would've sounded creepy, but because it was Anna it was just something you'd expect from her.

Now that Anna was gone I was happy to just mule over my feelings and eat the pain away.

Just as I was reaching for my bag of candy I heard the doorbell rang and a groan escaped my lips.

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