Chapter 6- Touchdowns and Throwdowns

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"You know, Finn, maybe you should ask Mr.Fells for a different partner...or maybe switch with Becca" Mia said, after I told her about the whole Romeo and Juliet charade that was going on between Colton and I.

I raised an eyebrow at her, questionably, before looking down at my 'We want YOU in newspaper committee!' flyer.

Mia shook her head "Ok, having Becca as his partner wouldn't really help anything" She admitted, realizing the flaw in her suggestion.

I nodded and sighed softly, "I just don't know what to do...I want to ask him what happened when I left and you know...about Becca' I said, briefly rolling my eyes at her name , "But I don't know when the right time to do that would be" I said.

She nodded thoughtfully, "Not that I've had much experience with this stuff, but I say go for it"

"Easier said than done" I said, "He hates me!" I laughed softly, frowning.

I hated being down about things and constantly complaining, but sometimes I just couldn't keep it all in.

"Hey, the worst that can happen is that he doesn't talk to you afterward. And it's not like he talks to you now, so if anything, you'll get something good out of it. I don't know...maybe clarification about stuff, or maybe he'll proclaim his hidden undying love for you- and he'll dump Becca's ass" she said, nonchalantly.

I let out a huge laugh, "Oh definitely! And then Becca will turn into a frog and we'll live happily ever after!" I said sarcastically.

Mia laughed, "Hey, you never know" she said.

At that point, the rest of the classroom had filled up with some other students who were a part of the newspaper committee.

Mr.Fells was the sponsor, and the club met on Friday after school...which was today.

We stopped laughing when Mr.Fells stood up in front of the group of kids.

"Welcome everyone to the first meeting of the newspaper committee this year! We have a new member, Finnly Cage" he said, directing his attention to me.

I gave a small wave to the rest of the class, before Mr.Fells continued

"Last year the newspaper was run under the ground due to the poor leadership skills of the previous president and vice president, so until I decide, I will be in charge for the time being" he said, shuffling through some papers.

"Tonight, because it is the day of the first football game of the season, there are perfect opportunities for the newspaper committee to really hit the ground running! So, does anyone have any good ideas?" he asked.

Evan, also a member, raised his hand before speaking "What if we interview some of the football players? Maybe ask them about their predictions for the season?" he suggested.

Mr.Fells nodded, opening the floor for more people to contribute their opinions.

"On top of Evan's idea, we can also ask the football players personal questions? Maybe get the school to have the chance to get to know them better?" Mia added.

Some people murmured agreement, while I sat back in my desk, arms crossed.

All of this wouldn't be an issue for me if Colton wasn't the star quarterback.

"How about you, Finnly?" he asked, raising an eyebrow questionably.

I straightened up in my chair, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"That's a great idea" I said, "But I think we should ask the student body their opinions on the football branch out" I offered kind of weakly.

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