❀ S P E C I A L ❀ C H A P T E R ❀ T W O ❀

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(A/N: Lmao I didn't forget about the OC's that were submitted! I was just trying to figure out where to fit this in... SOOOO here I am trying to fit this in a completely irrelevant height of the story. Aight let's start now :D )

Yachi's POV

Ohmigosh. Ohhhhhhmigosh. There's a girl in my dorm. Possibly my roommate, but...? "Uh, hello?" Shoot. She noticed me. 

I step inside the dorm from the hallway and look around. "Erm, h-hi...!" I try for a smile but I'm at least, like, 98% sure I look like a nervous wreck. Which I am. 

"HI! OMG, it is like, SO nice to meet you!!" She grins, zooming right up to me and shaking my hand. "So, you're my roomie, right? I'm Ichika Hayashi! Just call me Ichika though, no need for formals now since we're gonna be best friends!" I smile. Really? Best friends? That would be nice... I've never had one before. "I'm Hitoka! Hitoka Y-Yachi!!" I manage to stutter out. 

"Sooooo..... Toka-chan then!" she smiles wider. "We should get to know each other, how about a game of 21 Questions?" I nod. Was I really, actually making a friend,,,? 

"So, what are your pronouns?" she asks, plopping down on her bed, and I do the same on the other bed. 

"She, her. Uhm, how about you?"

"Same! Okay, uh, I know this sounds really lame, but favorite color?"

"...Yellow. I think."

"Mine is blue!!" 

-Time Skip because yes- 

Kiyoko's POV

"Kiyoko?!" I walk into my dorm and see a semi-familiar face. "Have we met before...?" I ask, quirking one eyebrow up. "Kiyoko! Don't you remember me? Taho Ito! From-"

"Yokohama Middle, am I wrong?" 

"You do remember!" she grins. I give a light smile. "We were both in Komi-sensei's class in seventh, right? And you're the Taho from track?" She grins again. "Wow! I can't believe we met again! What are the chances, huh? So where did you disappear of to after middle school? Everyone kept telling me you moved away. Where to?" 

"Oh, I went to the Miyagi Prefecture since my father had gotten a new job. Then I'm back in Kyoto all of a sudden for college..." 

"Hey, do you still keep in touch with Ichika-chan?" she questions suddenly, changing the topic. I must've looked startled, since she prompts, "Ichika Hayashi. Remember her?"

I nod slowly. "I guess we lost contact since we both moved away at the same time..."

I space out for a moment, thinking about how Taho, Ichika & I would play together at the local park. Ichika was homeschooled, so she didn't get to go to school with us, but we went to her house almost everyday after school. I smile at the memories. I wonder where she went off to...

"Who knows, maybe we'll all meet again and Lady Luck will smile down at us." Taho muses, and we both kind of just stare off into space, enjoying each other's company. 

(A/N: I know there wasn't any KiyoYachi, but there will be soon! I just wanted to show them all meeting again lol.) 

511 words


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