* C H A P T E R * T W E N T Y *

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(A/N: Woahhhhh, we made it to Chpt. 20! And we reached 1.7k+ reads! And 210+ votes! And 530+ comments! SO THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHHH!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ^-^ )

Tsugumi's POV

"Really, Tooru-chan? You didn't tell them yet?!" Wowwwwww. Typical Oikawa. Too much of a coward to admit to his own friends the truth about him. I mean, sure, I guess I understand his logic,,,? But at the same time- 

"I don't wanna lie to them, but-" Oikawa says, interrupting my thoughts, but then one of his friends' pipe up. "Hello Oikawa-san, Tsugumi-san. Do you mind if I call you by your first name, Tsugumi-san?" 

Oikawa looks startled and drops me, but I flash a thumbs up at him. "Sure!" I wink. "It would be pretty confusing if we were both called Oikawa, lol."

"Uhh... Hey, Aka-chan! So, uhm, did you hear...?" God, this idiot. Does he even know how suspicious he looks right now? 

"Y-" Aka-chan started, but yet another interruption comes running in at full speed. 


"Pbfft-" I snort at his absolutely terrible pronunciation. So these are Tooru's friends, huh? One who's quiet, polite, and seemingly sane, and the other a crackhead. 

"Ah, hello Bokuto-san."

"So this is your boyfriend, Aka-chan?" I ask innocently. Tooru-chan covers his face, trying not to laugh; Aka-chan turns bright red; and unknown looks the same as ever. Hm? No reaction?

"Yep!" Aka-chan's boyfriend chirps. I was taken aback. Wait, they were actually dating? I was just teasing- 

"U-uhm, Bokuto-san?" Aka-chan stutters, tugging on Bo-chan's left sleeve. "Yea 'Kashee?"

"We aren't d-dating...?"

"...We aren't?" he says, confused. "Okay! Well then wanna be my boyfriend Agashi?" Well that was straightforward. 

Aka-chan blinks. "I- Yeah, sure." 

"FINALLY! I WAS DYING OF SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT OVER HERE!!" Tooru-chan yells dramatically. I laugh. "We met like five minutes ago and it was SO obvious you liked each other." I roll my eyes and smirked, and this time it was Bo-chan's turn to blush. 

(A/N: I had legit no plan for this chapter and by now I'm just winging it. Also, BokuAka chapters will probably be your only source of fluff for now. Oh, and maybe (?) DaiSuga lol. Sorry today's chapter was later than usual! ;-; gomen, gomen!!)

374 words


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