In the Light of Things

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"Why is yer hair gloo'en?!" Gobber freaked.

"What else does it do?" Fishlegs wondered.

"How es et MAGIC?!!" Fergus also freaked.

"Uh, heh-heh... hmm," Rapunzel quietly chuckled before clearing her throat and swallowing her nerves. She brushed some hair behind her ear and looked away from the crowd, not knowing where to start with their questions.

"You know what? It's fine," Emma broke her tension. "She'll probably explain to them in the movie."

Rapunzel slowly smiled at the girl, grateful for understanding.

Not knowing what else to say, everyone else just sat in silence as they watched the scene unfold.

Scene change to night. A campfire is lit and the group are all sitting at the base of a tree with Rapunzel's hair laying around on the grass. Rapunzel is wrapping Merida's hand in some of the hair like a bandage. Merida, Moana and Rapunzel are tense while Jack and Hiccup seem to be more relaxed.

Moana: (to Hiccup) Are you serious? Her hair freaking glows and you're not even fazed?

Hiccup: Hey, there are some pretty strange looking dragons I've had to live with the past thousand years. She doesn't make the top 5 on my list.

The Vikings, including Hiccup, look at the older boy in confusion. None of the dragons they knew were weird enough for that. Unless, of course... They found more species over the years.

Jack: Same, there's so many weird spirits for weird reasons. Not to mention the creatures Earth had before spirits. Magic hair doesn't even make top 10.

Merida: Well et dooz'nt come to he'lp when she's be'in stranglay cryptec, wrapping har magic hair aro'oond my enjared hand. (Hisses in pain)

Rapunzel: Sorry (sigh) Just don't... Don't freak out.

Merida quickly glances at her hand and back, signalling her worry of what might happen. Rapunzel sighs at that and closes her eyes.

Rapunzel: Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Rapunzel: Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

Her hair glows like before and seeps down the fibers and around the group. They all stare in amazement at the beauty. Jack even smiles as the gold passes her. Pascal passes Merida's line of vision, who points to his hand with a smug look on his face. Merida looks to her palm just as the yellow light reaches her skin. She can feel the warmth of the magic on her skin and feels a slight tingle where it was cut. She slowly looks back at the blond in bewilderment, at Pascal, who nods, and back at Rapunzel just as she finishes singing. The glow washes away and green eyes open, waiting. Merida takes this as clue to unwrap her hand and in greeted by no cut. Pointing it at the other in confusion, she's frozen in place until she comes up with something to say.

Eyes of the audience widened at the sight of Merida's palm. Completely healed, not even a scar! Many were sitting at the edge of their seats at this and Rapunzel, noticing that, nervously chuckled to herself.

Merida: ... Iiiiiiii'ya... Doon't knoo whut ta say.

Moana: You can heal?

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