Meeting Hiccup the (Useless) Hero

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All is silent for a moment before a sparkling tube of mist appears and a large sleigh pulled by reindeer, fly through and started zigzagging around in the air; looking for any sign of the hidden world.

Everyone but the guardians and Jack, jumped at the portal and flying sleigh. Voicing their fright as: "What is that?!" "Being attacked!" "Holy-" etc.

The sleigh flies toward the camera again and zooms in to show North at the handle. Tooth is keeping an eye on the mini globe that had mini ice crystals, Bunny is stiff as a rock and Jack is looking over railing, keeping an eye out for anything.

"What are you riding?!" Moana's dad; Chief Tui panicked.

"Santa's magic, flying sleigh," Emma said, incredibly. "It's how he gets to everyone's house in one night. And it looks so cool!"

Everyone else looked back to the screen, amazed.

North: Das anyone see anyting?!

Tooth: No, there's nothing.

North: Bunny! What 'bout'u?

Bunny: NORTH, YOU KNOW BLOODY WELL THA I'M NOT MOVE'N FRAM THES SPOT!!! Onlay reason I'm 'n air is 'cause tha's no lond.

Bunny whispered the last part to himself and camera cuts to Jack (who has her hair back in it's usual ponytail) looking down to the water. Her expression slowly getting more and more panicky as the camera cuts from her face to the water over and over again. Then her eyes widen in surprise as the scene changes and we see Jack's point of view as she sinks underwater. Someone shouts Jack's name and we can see her hands trying to swim back up. Scene cut to Jack jumping back in fright and she backs up until she hits Bunny's side. Bunny whips his head at feeling her but his expression changes to concern when he sees her shaking.

Everyone except the Berkian teens, all felt their hearts ache at the flashback. Of course the water was the last place she'd want to be. Just her luck.

Emma's smile quickly evaporated and the back of her eyes now stung in sorrow. She still hasn't forgotten about that day and clearly, neither has her older sister. The younger looked to her left to remind herself that Jack was with her now. She saw Jack's head aiming down, eyes closed and her fists shaking as she looked sick. Just the thought of being surrounded by water made her nervous now.

Emma takes Jack's right hand and Jack jumps in surprise. When Jack sees the look on Emma's face on the other hand, her own face softens. She unclenches her fist, allowing Emma's warm hand to hold her cold one.

Her hands are bigger, Jack thinks. She remembers what Emma said: it's been a year. Emma is a year older than when the winter spirit was still human. She's grown and I missed it. I missed it all.

She manages to keep the tears from coming out, inhales and exhales slowly with her eyes closed. Ignoring all the flashes and thoughts of her anxiety as she solely focuses on the thought of the chocolate eyed girl.

Jack opens one eye, looking to Emma and smirks playfully as she opens the other, making Emma giggle.

Yet Emma still couldn't help but feel that it was her own fault. She was the one who wanted to go skating with their new skates so badly. She knew it was too soon into the cold season to go but she still dragged Jack. Even while the teen was reassuring their mother that they'd be careful.

"What was that about? You're afraid of water?" Snotlout started laughing. "Who is stupid enough to be afraid of water?"

A lot of the audience looked at him offensively/worriedly. Rapunzel feeling personally offended -because her fear of going outside wasn't much different- spoke up.

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