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Hey I've edited all the previous chapters so all the mistakes have gone bye bye but if you encounter any please bring it to be my notification and I'll like to recognise the two people who commented I really appreciate it oh and also 230 people have read my book I mean what in the world I didn't even imagine it getting up to 200 not to mention 230,30,30,30 see +30 makes it 230 man it's amazing 😊I won't be surprised if it stops here though😔 any way thanks for reading and this next phase is going to be more love more fight and a lot more weirder 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 .

NOTE: You might not see me update until I'm on my mid-term break when I come back home so I'm gonna publish 2more chapters before I go please keep reading and spread the news too or don't if it's not convenient for you but if it is please do
Please don't trash talk it it's my first book and I haven't even finished high school yet HAVE MERCY.😭
I'm going to try to make the book lengthy now 2000-4000 words let's make things more interesting 😏
And also I forgot to add bellaz and the rest of her family all had human transformation powers
And I have to ask should I add chapter 123as I'm writing for example. Chapter 1: Anew

Dragonhood Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt