Rocky: here I come tiny!

He was coming straight at me for a punch but I stopped him when I grabbed both his arms with my mustache.

Mole-Stache: *angry* never mess with a mole mustache.

I lift him off the ground and started slamming him on the ground over and over again until I threw him high in the air and he started falling and I gave him a uppercut on the face that send him crashing to the roof and into the ground and I saw him with swirly eye's.

Mole-Stache: you mess with the mole you get the stache old chap!

Jay: Rocky is unable to battle whuch means the winner is... uh, what's you're name right now since you have many names?

Mole-Stache: it's Mole-Stache right now.

Jay: the winner is Mole-Stache for round one!

Everyone was cheering and clapping while some Pokemon lift Rock and got him out of the cage. I ran up to my friends before the next one starts.

Pop: you did it Mole-Stache!

Greninja: good work on the first round.

Mole-Stache: thank you.

Pheromosa: that was amazing, but why were you all angry all of a sudden?

Mole-Stache: I don't know? Maybe because Mole-Staches species get mad when someone messes with their mustache.

Dee: moving on to round two!

Pop: good luck on the second round.

Mole-Stache: thanks and I will.

I ran back to get ready to fight the next Pokemon.

Dee: moving on to the next round we have a tuff fighter, she is one female you don't want to mess with and she will leave you more than a broken heart when you get rejected by her-

Jay: like you when you ask her out on a date but she said if you were the last Pokemon on earth, and when she said that you were crying for two days.

Dee: hey shut up!!

Jay: haha! Anyway, introducing Lucy the Lucario!

Out came a blue dog who was standing on two and has a spike on her chest and on her hands.

Out came a blue dog who was standing on two and has a spike on her chest and on her hands

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Everyone was cheering while I try to think what alien to turn next.

Jay: all right Mole-Stache, what alien are you going to change next?

A green flash went by on my Omnitrix when I turn into a kung fu chicken name Kickin Hawk.

A green flash went by on my Omnitrix when I turn into a kung fu chicken name Kickin Hawk

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An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now