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Hey guys, welcome to the second chapter, sorry the first one was so boring, I wanted to explain how he survives, but I thought it need it's own chapter -sin.

-:-:-: Y/n - Your Name :-:-:-
-:-:-: E/c - Eye Color :-:-:-
-:-:-: H/l - Hair Length :-:-:-
-:-:-: H/c - Hair Color :-:-:-


-3rd person POV-
Y/N had just gone hunting, he had 'caught' a pair of teens walking into the forest, they probably knew about the infamous killings, and thought it was haunted.

He still had some blood on him, though it wasn't much. The spirits who had helped him hunt were now talking to him, telling him how they're next 'session' would go.

All of a sudden, the spirits stopped talking to y/n. They didn't say anything. They just stood there. Then they broke out in shouts, telling y/n to run to his cave, to hide, to prepare to fight, etc, etc.

Y/n quickly closed his eyes and listened, zoning in on any abnormal sounds, something he had learned to do overtime (DefInETly nOt hIS pOwErS..). He heard the sound of running, the slight static of glitching, and the sound of someone (or something) cracking their neck. He immediately knew who these so called 'threats' were.

Jeff the killer, BEN Drowned, and Ticci Toby. Only a few of the killers who inhabited this forest, along side him, of course.

Y/n knew of their existence, obviously, he just never interacted with them, even making an effort to avoid them.

However, he knew he would have to interact with them somehow, eventually. So, that's what he decided to do.

-Y/n's POV-
I heard them coming, and immediately formed a plan.

I climbed one of the near by trees, a decently tall and thick one at that, before sitting in a medium height branch, making sure they couldn't hear me doing so.

I pulled out one few of the sharpened rocks from my bag that was on my back, holding it semi-tightly in my hand, also being careful not to hurt myself on one of the sharp edges (there are a few).

When they walked past the tree I was on, I threw the rock, purposefully missing Jeff by half an inch.

-Ticci Toby-
Me, BEN, and Jeff we're walking around the forswear, trying to find this 'being' slendy said had apparently been living here for years, and had slipped under our radar many times. I was pretty confused, I thought slender could feel all being that enter the forest..?

Anyway, slendy said they're probably extremely strong, and to contact him if we needed help. I personally think we need back up, but Jeff thought we will be fine on our own. He's pretty egotistical if you thi-.

My thoughts are cut off by the sound of Jeff screeching like a girl, and what looks to be a knife like rock shooting past him, hitting the ground by our feet.


"Well, Jeffy boy, it seems it was a r o c k" Ben said slowly, as if he was talking to an alien.

"I KNOW WHAT IT WAS GLITCHY BITCH" (Kinda feel like I'm making Jeff Bakugo...).

While those two idiots are screaming, I decided to look in the tree's, hopefully finding whoever threw the rock/knife/thing.


I sat in the tree a few feet above Jeff and BEN. All of a sudden I hear leaves rustling. Right behind me.

"Hello.." I hear a timid voice whisper. I wipe my head around to see a boy, possibly around my age, wearing a hoodie, backpack, sweatpants that are slightly tight on him, gloves, and a mask. He has e/c eyes and h/l h/c.

I was about to scream to Jeff and BEN, but the boy stopped me right before if could. He slapped a hand on my mouth, eyes slightly wide with panic and worry.

"W-wait! I'm not a threat, I promise..!" He whispers again. I slightly nod my head, telling the timid boy I believe him. He takes his hand off my mouth slowly.

"I-I'm sorry if I scared y-ou.." he whispered again, I think he's nervous, since his voice keeps cracking and he keeps stuttering.

"N-no it's ok, ju-st didn't expect t-hat" I whispered back, twitching from nervousness.

Damn tics.. I don't what to scare this boy away... he's really cute, I might be able to knock him out and take him back, as well...

"Uh... I wanted to talk to your boss.. a-about me staying here.." He wispered, surprising me, once again.

How does he know about slender? Is he the one slender thinks had been staying here for years? Why didn't we know sooner? Is he with zalgo?


Hey guys, I'm sorry this one is short, I already know what's going to happen next chapter, and wanted it to have it own chapter, so it could be at least a thousand words, maybe more. Anyways, bye guys, I hope you have an awesome day/night -sin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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