(1) Surviving in the wild 101

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Welcome to the first chapter of this book! I just wanna day, this isn't really a chapter, but more of me explaining how he survives, you don't need to read this if you don't want to, so feel free to skip to the next chapter -sin.

-:-:-: Y/n - Your Name :-:-:-


-Reader's POV-
I'm finally finished packing. I've got everything I'll need to survive for at least a month, then I'll have to hunt for food and find some source of water. I already know how to make my own shelter, if I can't find one, that is. I also know how to defend myself, whether it's against animals or humans. Not that I'd have to fight the animals, since they can 'sense' my ability, as 'they' have told me, animals normally just ignore me, or stick by me, I guess since they can tell I'm special and safe.

Anyways, I packed all my stuff in my backpack. I'm ready to leave a few minutes before twelve. Since my parents normally don't get up till noon on the weekend -it's Friday night-, I should have a good twelve hours to get as far away from here as possible.

-3rd person POV, cause It's the only one I'm good at-

Y/n grabbed his bag, slinging it on his shoulder, before silently opening his bedroom door, walking into the hallway. He, once again, silently walked to the door, opening it to reveal the cold, damp air of the night. He quickly walked out of the house, making sure to be silent when shutting the door. He pulled up the hood part of his jacket, before trudging forward into the night, not knowing what's to come of this.

-Time skip, 2 hours-

About half an hour ago, y/n had stepped onto the bus taking him to the opposite side of his small town, easily passing of as a teenager, despite him being no where near old enough to ride the bus alone. He has made sure to keep his head down when swiping the ticket, flashing the bus driver a small smile when he gave y/n a suspicious side-glance.

After he got off the bus, he continued walking down a certain road, a specific road he knew would take him two towns over, though it would take a few hours.

-Timeskip, Unknown amount of years-

Y/n had completely disappeared. No one knew where he went. No one knew why he left, or if even left on purpose. They didn't know if he was kidnapped, or if he ran away. Eventually, the search was ended, and the few that cared about him, were sad, but would forget about it in time. The case of his alleged kidnapping had long gone cold, since no police officers found any evidence that anything happened.

Obviously, he hadn't been kidnapped, but had he survived? Of course.

He now lives states away, hidden in a forest. He made sure to never be seen by humans, he only ever interacted with the animals. He eventually learned to understand them. Obviously, he couldn't speed to their language, but he could understand what they were saying, and they could understand what he was saying.

He now lived in a cave like area. It was originally a cave, but he had covered up the front with moss, so no one could tell it was a cave, or even hollow at all.

He had a certain way of getting food. Not a normal way... but a way.

He had always wanted to try human meat, so one time when he was killing, he decided to cut them up, and eat them.

He learned when he was younger only part of just how different he was, one of those thing that was different about him, was what he ate. He could eat raw meat. It tasted good, and he didn't get sick.

He also learned to kill people that would come into the woods, whether it be for their clothes, money (he liked to buy weapons), supplies, or to eat them.

Anyways, this is how a... certain.. day had went.


The next part will probably be when he meet the creepypasta's, so I hope that'll be good, I'm not very confident in it being good though.. -sin.


Creepypasta x male readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant