while she was chilling at the living room, the door was knocked several times. voices can be heard from the outside.

'oh, that must be them', she thought.

in a hurry, she rushed to open the door and welcome them in. she gave the group of men a smile and slightly bowed as they entered the place. chan is the last one to come in and of course, he pretendeded not to see her and only focused on his co-workers.

sodam gritted her teeth, unsatisfied. she tries hard not to slam the door as she shut it.

as sodam stepped into the living room, chan has excused himself to change first. now it's only her with the men there.

"oh, aren't you his wife?" one of them spoke up, trying to strike a conversation with her.

"yes.. that's me", she rubs her nape, feeling all awkward since they are all focused on her.

"do have a seat! join us, won't you?" another one said.

sodam took one of the empty seat and sat down. she clasped her hands together, feeling uneasy.

"you know.. we were really surprised when bang chan suddenly got married. it was just so sudden. he never mentioned anything and out of nowhere, we suddenly received the invitation" 

hm, this doesn't sound like it will end good at all.

[TW // verbal harrassment]

"yeah, he's right. it's actually rather.. suspicious, don't you think so?" another one elaborated.

"oh.. and why is that, if i may ask?" sodam tries to keep her cool.

"don't take it personal, but we are just concerned for him. he ended his bachelor years in an abrupt. did you like threaten him or something?" one 'joked' around.

the others unfortunately laughed at his actually insensitive joke.

"nah.. the bang chan we know isn't easily threatened, so it can't be that" one added.

"hey, tell us, what's your secret? how did you manage to tie him down into marriage?"

"excuse me..?" her eyebrows twitched at their words.

ignoring the unpleasant in her tone, they continued to say some insensitive words.

"guys.. bang chan is obviously a well off man. maybe she's after his wealth, hence she seduced him into this marriage" one began to make a theory.

"you actually have a nice body.. perhaps you can satisfy me as well? what do you think of being with me? i can offer you wealth too if you wish" the theory maker eyed her up and down with a disgusting look.

alright, that's it. she's not going to let them disrespect her right in front of her. they're really asking to be beaten up.

her expression gloomy, she stands up from sitting.

"you know.. are you actually concerned for him? is this your way of concern? making comments on me accusing that i wrongly seduced him? you're all disgusting, especially you -she points at the theory maker- mister. did you come here just to put me down that way? you're just a guest here, show more respect!" she said sternly.

cat got their tongue it seems.

she looks at them with hatred. they really went over their limit. she had to put them back in their place.

"yang sodam" a stern voice pulled her back to reality.

her eyes widened as she sees chan who just came downstairs. uh oh.. he surely looks pissed off with her right now.

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