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sodam rubbed her eyes as she woke up from sleep. her eyes are irritated from the sudden exposure to the light after sleeping for a while. it took her a minute or so to adjust to the lighting.

after she felt better, she sit up and stretched out her arms. that was a good sleep last night.

however, she squinted her eyes when she saw the room she is in.


wasn't she watching the tv and then fell asleep on the couch like she planned to? then why in the world is back in chan's room?

"oh my god-" she almost yelled out of surprise.


chan is sleeping on the other side of the bed, backfacing her. what is happening?

so did she assume wrong? was it true that he was simply just busy settling his works then? or maybe he has started opening up to her and is willing to share the bed with her?

a lot of questions went through her mind even though she just woke up. she keeps on stealing glances at his back.

alright, back to the question earlier. why did she end up waking up in the room? did chan perhaps brought her back here? she don't think she could sleepwalk in such huge house and end up right in his room. she don't recall ever sleepwalk too.

suddenly, the door was opened from the outside, interrupting sodam's train of thoughts. she looks at the individual that managed to surprise her by opening the door in a sudden. turns out it was the mother of the man sleeping next to her.

"o- oh, mum?" sodam stuttered, kind of taken aback by her mother in law's sudden appearance.

mrs. bang looks at the two of them, before letting out a small gasp. "i'm sorry, did i interrupt anything?" she asked, eyes still eyeing chan who's still deep in sleep.

yeah, interrupted sodam's train of thoughts.

sodam quickly shakes her head, denying any kind of assumption the older woman has in her mind. she mouthed a no several times.

"n- no, you didn't interrupt anything mum!" the younger woman got off the bed and hurried to where the older one is standing.

"oh really? hm, anyway i came here to call you down for breakfast since neither of you came down to eat. i guess i know why." mrs. bang hummed, nodding to herself at what she just said.

sodam lowkey gave herself a look. does she look like someone who has just.. slept with someone? she touches her hair. her hair doesn't feel that messy either. too bad, her mother in law is determined with her own conclusion though.

"i'm sorry, i'll be down in a few minutes! i slept late last night so i overslept.. excuse me while i freshen up, mum." sodam excused herself to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth for the morning.

she also fixed her bed hair with the help of some water in the meantime.

"chan, wake up honey." mrs. bang went to wake chan up as sodam went to freshen herself up.

getting no response from her son, she runs her hand through his fluffy hair, gently patting him on the head. "bang chan.. wake up, it's time for breakfast. you'll leave for your house today, right?" mrs. bang proceeds to carress her son's cheek.

"mhm, what is it??" chan mumbled in his bed voice.

"wakey, wakey. it's time for breakfast. now go freshen up." mrs. bang gave a light smack on his thigh.

the young man obediently woke up from his deep sleep and stayed still in the sitting position. he's taking some time to gain his consciousness.

sodam who's watching from the bathroom is amazed at how easily chan's mother woke him up. meanwhile, if she does that.. she'd most likely get smacked. she shivered at the thought.

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