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[sept'21: you all... how could you ask me to end it with any ending/soon </3 the plot is still pretty long inside my mind, and you know my word count is never.. short 😭 as much as i want to end it soon, i really can't rush the storyline :c so yeah, good luck waiting~ >:o]

[[march'22: + okay sorry for being absent for half a year tbh i just want to delete everything and deact tbh,, i really want to have a completed chaptered fic but i really never thought people would actually bump across this?? thank you for the bottom of my heart and i'm sorry for being an arse *bows*]]

after 2 days of locking herself inside the room, she finally took a step outside. each steps she take is painfully unsteady; it's a wonder how she's still standing.

the helpers who noticed her each quickly went to report to mrs. bang, and also to assist her in case she stumbles while walking. having no energy to refuse, she simply lets one of them hold her by the arm and leads her to the living room.

"sodam? oh my god, you really came out! mrs. lee, please help me get her some water." mrs. bang rushed to her daughter in law's side and instructed one of the helpers to bring water over. after all, sodam never ate or drink anything ever since the last time she was seen outside the guest room.

after taking a few sips of the water, sodam gradually relaxed after being relieved of the thirst she held in for two days.

"i'm sorry..." was the only thing she could mutter.

she knows all eyes are focused on her, trying to search for some kind of an answer.

the moment mrs. bang reached out to hold her hand that's unconsciously gripping on her knee hard, she reflexively flinched at the sudden touch. her body remembered the way chan suddenly came over and tried to drag her home. she immediately shakes her head at the undesirable memory, hand slowly loosening to hold her mother-in-law's hand as well.

"i'm all ears if you want need a listener, okay?" mrs. bang said, very gently.

sodam forced a smile. "thank you, mum, but you don't have to worry about me. i'm just... too sensitive at times. sorry for lying to you when i came here..." she's apologising, but at the same time trying to brush off the attention on what happened by simply 'hinting' that she overreacted when chan and her 'fought'.

well, they all obviously would think that the pair fought after what happened two days prior; but in truth, the reality is definitely way uglier.

the older woman looks at sodam whose eyes are focused on the floor. "sodam, it's okay... no need to apologise. i know how my son can be. i hope you two will sort it out well and not let one fight sour things between you two, okay?" she caressed the younger's cheek for a brief moment.

although it was brief, the gentle warmth managed to give comfort to sodam. she leaned in closer to envelop her mother in law in a hug, mouth whispering a thank you.

there is no telling what the future holds for her, but for now, she'll make the most out of the temporary escape she managed to get. 


as much as she doesn't want to, she can't keep on burdening her in laws by staying there any longer. it's nearly 2 weeks since she came and stayed over.

sooner or later, she will eventually have to return to the hellish house. therefore, why not return now, right?

unwilling to part, sodam bid a farewell to mrs. bang with a heavy heart. her lips were forced to smile until the moment she entered the car that was prepared for her return to her so-called-husband's house. 

Forced To Be Yours || Bang Chan ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon