6 - 4th TIME... ARE YOU KIDDING..!?

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The days proceeded faster, and one day at noon, Farrah saw her phone and got shocked.

Farrah hurriedly came over to Zara and said, "It's an emergency, Mom messaged me around an hour ago and said she was in pain and said she was in Coimbatore. I think your parents came here to visit you and I guess there is no one around her and she called you too, where is your mobile?"

Zara took her phone and saw many missed calls from her mom and in rush, both of them went in search of her parents, but they couldn't find the address and Farrah called dad and now they rushed to AOA hospital and dashed to the respective floor and went to Dad.

"What happened, dad? What happened to mom?", panicked Zara.

"Who asked you to come? Don't come. She was the only one for me. Don't take her away from me too. It's because of you, she is suffering now. Why didn't you talk to her? She waited for you...you", coughed Father.

"It's okay, father. Please calm down. Tell us, what happened to mom?", asked Farrah.

With heavy pain in the heart, Zara sat in the corner blubbering.

After half an hour, Farrah came and said to Zara," Mom fell and fainted because of hypertension and pain, her blood pressure is about 170, they told her it might go serious and her leg injury is curable and not so serious".

"Is she alright?", asked Zara.

"She will be fine. Don't worry. Dad did not mean what he said, he was in a rage, you know right.", comforted Farrah.

The hospital atmosphere and the sobbing voices and the phrase "You will be fine", everything made Zara remember the smoky past, and tears were flowing down from her eyes.

"Hmm, I'll be outside for some time. Take care of mom and dad, do inform me", said Zara. Farrah nodded.

By taking in the memories, Zara's mind was completely weary and while walking on the platform, she fell.

There was a man inside the car, he was looking at the girl falling and found that it was Zara and the person was Akil.

His mind was continuously thinking, "Is she alright? Why is she always like this?".

He didn't want to care about her but he still followed, without her knowledge.

Following her for a long time. She went into a thin area, where he needed to stop the car and follow her by walk. In the time, he parked his car and came, she's nowhere to be found. He lost her.

Zara was standing on the Noyyal riverbed, full dark sky, only the brightening stars and moon could be seen. By looking at the waters coming over her, she stood hush unmoved, the waters splatter over her and the sound of water waves can be heard and her heart shows the recollection of her past happiness, sadness with her friends and it soon passed out to be a reminiscence of pain, hurt, blame, loneliness, and death. It aches her heart. Now she could only remember the words,

"It's all because of you..."

She thinks," Because of me... because of me...".

She blamed herself and she burst out, crying aloud after so long, her face shrinks, droplets of her tears turned to flow and she said,

"Why can't I hold more? It's all my fault, I'm the one who is at fault. I should have at least spoken to mom. If I spoke to her, she would be fine, I shouldn't have been born, Every loved one of me is going far away from me. I couldn't even touch her now, I'm sorry, Meesha, I'm sorry. You told me to take care of our parents. But I didn't do that. I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I couldn't take care of you and I was unable to take care of mom too".

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