Chapter 2: Illusioned Dreams & Rumors

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I finally finished my homework as I heard the ninja's voices. And the smell of food as well. Wandering out of my new room, I find the dining room and the ninja sitting at the table. Nya notices me and waves me over to sit with her.

"This is the girl?" An old man asked. Nya nods her head. "This is N/n. She doesn't want to give her real name until she trusts us and vise versa." She answered. I cocked my head in curiosity. "This is Master Wu. He's the reason we all became ninja in the first place." Nya explained.

I give a silent nod and sit down. Glancing at the array of food, I eagerly fill my plate with a little bit of everything. "I haven't had a proper meal in years. Everything smells so delectable and I didn't realize how famished I was. School doesn't feed us nearly enough with free breakfast and free lunch." I state.

My first bite of dinner made me melt with joy. "So good!" I mumbled. "Thank you. It was my night to cook dinner. I'm glad that you're enjoying the meal." Zane states. I grinned. "I want to know how and what you did to make this so good! Let me learn, please." I begged. Zane chuckles but nods.

"I'd be happy to share my culinary skills with another culinary enthusiast. Perhaps we could schedule a session within the next week. Depending on our schedules, that is." Zane states. Nya nods in agreement. "N/n is bound to learn fast. Especially with you as her teacher."

"If I may pry, what is your elemental ability, N/n? I sense the energy but cannot get a clear reading on its properties." Wu states. I stiffened but remained in my thoughts for a few seconds. "I'd like to learn more about it before telling others. I was a late bloomer and I don't feel comfortable talking about my power." I answered.

"Then perhaps you'd like to demonstrate tomorrow after you return from school. I'm even considering sending the ninja to school so they can be a little more sociable." Wu adds. "Why do we need to go to school? We've already saved Ninjago countless times and we were teachers. What would we be learning anyways?" Kai grumbled.

"How to live a normal teenage life. You will continue your daily training but I believe getting an education will allow you all to take a break from the spotlight. Seeing as Ninjago hasn't had any recent incidents, I think it'll be a great lesson to attend school. Learn so that you all can prepare for any enemy." Wu finished.

"I still don't understand why we can't see N/n's face! I get that she's a girl but, what if we see her while at school?" Jay whined. "I'll be sure to avoid you then. I have plenty of friends and you don't even know my real name. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some sleep. I've got an English test tomorrow first thing and I'd like to not fall asleep in my classes." I stated.

I thank Zane for the meal one last time before heading to my new room and going into my box. I pulled out a picture frame and tears trickled down my face as I stared into my past. I imagine the day and watched as smoke swirled around me until I was experiencing the memory itself. My parents, Harumi, and I trying to figure out what we were going to have for dinner. Me drawing the ninja and Harumi coloring them in a messy manner.

"Y/n! Do you think we'll ever get to meet the ninja? I want to thank them for keeping us safe." Harumi states. "Maybe. I'd find it difficult when they won that talent show. With publicity and popularity, they'll probably change with the times." I had answered.

Harumi had a wide grin as she continued coloring. "If I had cool powers like the ninja, I'd want to control something cool! Lightning could keep us going for days in a storm. And ice and fire would also come in handy if you need to drink water in a desert." Harumi explained.

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