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The ambulance get Jisoo's body full of blood. Even her dress is full of her own blood.I really can't help it but stay with Reign. I am crying as the ambulance making way to the hospital.

"Jis, please wake up.Breathe please" I beg her even tho i am not sure if she'll hear me.

I look up to the people and god knows what they call to them, they are wearing white and giving Reign an oxygen.

I am crying terribly and my legs are shaking, i am holding her delicate hand and i am afraid as hell that i might tear it apart or i am just overeacting.

"You just have... said to me that you want to end your life and.. i willing to end it with my bare..hands, i swear to God i swear to God." I stutter but manage to laugh about what i just said.

Minutes after we arrived at the hospital, people look at her as Reign making way to the emergency room.

I even cry and cry because i am afraid to lose her, she's my bestfriend. She's there when i need someone she's always be there for me.

As i make myself to the ER someone stopped me. "Ma'am just stay here and wait" and give me an assurance smile.

I manage to smile back at her and nod. I am like calling all the saints just to say that 'please let Jisoo breathe'

I put my head on my knees and i cry and cry until there's no tears to come out.

"It's gonna be alright"

I slowly up my head and before i look to the her, she handed me her white handkerchief. I can tell she's girl because obviously on her voice.

I get the handkerchief out of her hand and wipe my tears away, and i just realized that i put mascara earlier before i headed to the school.. I immediately look to my phone and open the camera.

"What the hell" i whispered.

She chuckled. "Don't worry, you are still pretty." I slowly turn around to her, i see her smiling at me.

Her eyes were big, her nose is pointed, and her lips.. her fucking pinkish lips

"Hey?" she nudge me and i finally came back to my senses.

"Uh yea.. uhm sorry for seeing me this way, this is.. so fucking terrible" I rolled my eyes as she started to laugh at me.

She laughs! i made her laugh. and i just recognize that she has a bangs and her hair are in a blonde color which made her pretty and uh, hot? i guess..

"That's not terrible, it's just normal since you were crying earlier tho you look like a ghost with a gray top and black jeans" She let out a short laugh.

I laughed too and managed to roll my eyes to her.

"Btw, what's your name" i ask.

"Why? you gonna follow me on insta?" she smile.

Why she's always smiling?

"As if" i snorted. "I am just asking however it's not a big deal for me if you aint gonna give me your name." i looked to her eyes.

"Lisa" she handed me her hand. "My name is Lisa"

I was about to put my hands on her and tell my name but the doctor finally come out on a room, on Reign's room. I instantly stand with a nervous emotion.

The doctor go near to me and only to see her face with an apologetic eyes. I can feel that my heart beats fast and my breath becomes rapid.

"You are the family of the patient?" he said.

I answer him as fast as i can "Yes" tho i am not exactly the family but i am her family, we treat each other like sisters.

"I am sorry-" I make him stop
"I'll never forgive you" I said with my gritted teeth as the tears start falling, i open the door where Reign's body lay on the bed.

I sit on the bed as my tears  keep on falling and falling, they just wont stop! it's like a fucking fountain.

"...Jisoo" i stuttered while saying her name, i carefully grab her cold hand and squeeze it a little. "I thought you'll never leave me?" i wipe my tears with my back hand.

"We promised right? that we will not leave each..other behind what ever the fuck will... happen" i sob and look to her face.

"You said you love me then why'd you leave me?" I put down her hands and put my hands to my face. I can't take this. I can't lose her.

"You are my best friend.. why did you.. why did you do this? you cut you.. yourself, Why?!" i shouted to her hoping she'll answer me and give me a valid reason.

"Last.. last night we are enjoying, happy and now.. now i am facing your co.. cold body Reign! why did you do this? why did you do this to me?! it hurts so much.." i lowered my voice "it's hurt so.. much"

I heared the knob twisted but i did not give any glance. I can see to my peripheral vision that someone is watching me. I slowly face that someone with tears on my face.

She gulp like she's nervous but she manage to talk at all. "You'll be okay" She said looking directly to my eyes. "Everything's gonna be alrig-" i cut her off.

"That is bullshit" i said in a stern way, i was so close at shouting but i keep on reminding to myself that it's not her fault or everyone. "Stop saying that everything's gonna be alright cause it will not!" I shouted. I cannot contain my angry anymore, my voice echoed to the room as she gasp and breathe a large air.

"Rosé, calm down please. Your problem will never be solve if you keep your wroth over you" she said carefully like she's afraid.

I breathe rapidly but not taking away my eyes to her. "Can you go?" i ask her politely as i can.

"You need me, didn't you?" she said looking at Jisoo's body.

The door open, as nurse came up. They put blanket on her as i started to cry again.

They bring Jisoo on a Morgue as i see the parents of her crying.

"Jisoo..." Tita Caroline said while her husband Jack, hugging her. They are both crying as i exit myself to give them privacy.

I keep on crying and crying it's just wont fucking stop, I sitted to the chair and realized that Lisa's handkerchief is still on my hand. I was about to stand to give her back this but there's no need cause she's on my side leaning at the chair.

I wiped my tears using her handkerchief for the last time and slowly handed it to her, she grab it and look at me. "I am here"


Rosé, Lisa is here :)

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