End Explained

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Hi guys!!!

I am so so so sorry that I never finished this book, I started writing it in the beginning of quarantine and took a break in June that was supposed to only be for a month or so, but I couldn't get back into writing it.

Rereading it, made me hate the way I wrote it and the style. But I love love love all the comments and votes and the amount of people that read it.

!!!!!!!!I hope no one is sad that it's the end, so i'm going to give you an outline of how it was supposed to end:!!!!!!!!

1. after they finished filming their upcoming movie, they went to Emma's brothers wedding in Ireland and Timmy met her family. They all loved him and Emma showed him around the town she adores.

2. soon after they get back, they have a huge fight about Timmy supposedly cheating on Emma. There were pictures of Timmy and Lily-Rose at a cafe kissing and then soon after Emma saw them, she answered Timmy's phone when Lily was calling him. Lily basically said how they 'should do it again sometime' and without Emma knowing the real story, she hangs up and breaks up with Timmy.

3. 2 years later, Emma is in France for the Paris Fashion Week, and sees Timmy at the event. Emma doesn't really talk to Timmy whereas Timothée keeps trying to start conversations.

4. Eventually after a few days in Paris Emma goes to a coffee shop and Timmy walks in, sits down, and explains what happened two years ago. Lily kissed him and before he pulled away the paparazzi got the picture. He says how  hated himself for what he did and not explaining himself two years ago.

5. They hang out for dinner and they go back to Timmy's hotel where they talk for a while but obviously the sexual tension builds up way too much and they have sex... finally.

6. The epilogue was going to be about how they get married and have three kids and live in New York and have an apartment in Paris they travel to.

And that's the end!!! i'm so sorry I never finished this I just felt like this was not my best work and had no energy to add to it.

I hope you enjoyed!!! ily!!!


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