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Emma stands in front of the mirror while straightening her newly washed and blow dried hair.  She puts on concealer, mascara, a little eyeshadow, lip gloss and highlighter. For clothes she's wearing a white top with puffy sleeves that go to her elbows and has a plunging v-neck. For the bottoms she's wearing black skinny jeans and obviously her black doc martens, because why not? they look good with everything.

It's 8:05 and Timmy texts her that he's outside. God she's as nervous as ever.

"What's up T?" she says and enters the car.


"yeah thought i'd spice it up a bit?"

"I like it," he says while looking at her. God that top is low. "you look really pretty."

"So do you- well not pretty- hot... I mean- you know what I mean," he laughs and turns the radio on. "so where are we going?"

"it's a surprise."

"ooo I love surprises!!"

"good." She admires his side profile again while he's driving and he notices her staring but doesn't call her out on it.

"I hate New York but love it at the same time," she confesses.

"why don't you like it?"

"it's too loud, annoys me sometimes because my apartment isn't the best at keeping noise out."

"yeah I get that... I grew up here so i'm used to it."

"yeah I guess." she looks out the window for the remaining car ride, which is about 10 minutes.

"We're here."

She reads the sign out loud. "Betsy's Diner"

"I swear to you they have some of the best burgers and milk shakes i've ever eaten... they play 80's music the whole time and the waiters are on roller skates. Also you didn't seem like one of those girls that likes being taken to fancy five star restaurants."

"you're right, this seems like my typa place," she gets out of the car and Timmy can finally take in his great she looks.

"what?" she notices him staring.

"oh nothinggg... lets go i'm hungry."


"wow this is so good," she says when she gets her cookies and cream milkshake.

"told ya, this place is a hidden gem."

"I can see why oh my god," she rolls her eyes back  in pleasure of the drink and Timmy thinks of some things he probably shouldn't be thinking of at the moment. He shakes the thoughts out of his head.

"what's your middle name?" she asks.

"Hal, whats yours?"

"I don't like mine at all."

"come on I told you mine," he begs and makes a pouty face. How could she say no?

"fine... Angelina."

"you don't like that? I think it's really pretty."

"yeah but the name Emma Angelina Maguire just doesn't fit right."

"eh so what, it doesn't matter."

"I guess," the waitress drops off our burgers and it looks so good.

"shite in a bucket that looks heavenly," Emma let's slip, she probably seems weird by now with all the Irish things she's said around him.

"shite in a bucket?"

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