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"it's so great to see you!!!" Lily squeaks out. Emma can see Timothée is very uncomfortable in the situation and has yet to know why.

"uh yeah yeah you too..." Lily turns to Emma waiting to be introduced.

"Oh sorry... this is Emma."

Lily-Rose looks her up and down judgingly and smirks then shakes her hand.

"Hi it's nice to meet you... i'm Lily," she says.

"Great to meet you too," Timmy envy's Emma's nice attitude but knows Lily is being her fake self pretending to be nice.

"I haven't seen you in a while Timmy how've you been?" She calls him Timmy... they must be close.

"really good yeah what about you?"

"getting better everyday," Lily smiles.

Emma gets curious. "how do you guys know each other?"

Timothée freezes, he never told Emma about Lily-Rose because he didn't want her to know about them two. It's about time though they dated for 2 years and he's surprised Emma hasn't seen anything on social media yet.

"oh we used to date," Lily smiles and Emma loses her own smile.

"oh..." She looks at Timothée.

"wait did you not know...?"

"apparently not no," Emma stares at Timmy.

They sit in awkward silence for a few seconds.

"well if was great seeing you Lily," Timothée fakes a smile.

"yeah... nice to meet you Emma."

"mhm," She felt rude for not exchanging Lily's niceness but she could care less at the moment.

"She's very pretty," Emma comments once she walks away.

"you're prettier."

"mhm sure," she doesn't want to degrade herself but the ex she just met is way prettier than herself.

"I didn't know she would be here..."

"cut the shit Timothée, why didn't you tell me about her?" Timmy hates how she used his full name to speak to him.

"I don't know I just didn't."

"you have to give me a better reason than that."

He looks at his feet and runs his hands through his hair. Emma doesn't feel like waiting any longer so she gets up and starts walking out of the cafe.

"Wait," he catches up with her but she keeps walking down the street.

"Emma listen please," he begs.

"i'm only gonna listen if you give me an honest answer."

He pulls her into a nearby alleyway.

"so are there any other exes i'm just gonna find out about myself or are you gonna tell me about the people you've dated? hm?"

"Lily was the only serious person i've ever dated... besides you."

"sure she is," Emma doesn't know why her blood is boiling so much but just that it is. He simply made a mistake but she takes offense.

"She is!! Look we broke up not too long before me and you met and I thought with you when we first started texting... I don't know I didn't know you were gonna be... you." She lets him ramble on. "I didn't know I was going to like you so much and-"

"so you thought I was just gonna be a fling, like free breakup sex or something like that."

"No!!... no well- I just didn't think that I was gonna like you as much as I do," he's pacing back and forth now as Emma is just perched against the brick wall behind her.

"you loved her?"

"what?" he finally looks into her eyes.

"did you love her?" the girl feels bad for asking him this but she needs to know the answer.

"i'm not answering that."

"why not?"

"god why are you acting so controlling right now?!" he raises his voice.

"I just wanted to know the answer to a simple question," she stays calm.

"Okay fine...! Yes I did love her... yes," Emma's heart pangs with a little bit of jealousy. "Is that what you wanted to hear?!"

"Why would I want to hear that?" She says quietly.

"I don't know."

"But you're over her?"

"How could you even ask that when i'm dating you, when i'm... falling, for you," he gets quieter at the end of the sentence and looks at the ground.

Emma stands there, stunned by what he just confessed. Even if he didn't say he loved her she knew he was getting there.

She finally speaks up. "I'm not even mad...i'm just disappointed because I told you about Ryan, about my abusive ex that I haven't even told anyone about, not even my family... I just wished you would have told me."

He stays silent.

"I'm gonna... go home," she speaks up and Timothée finally looks her in her eyes, her gorgeous eyes that he just melts into.

"Let me take you."



"Bye Timothée," she mutters, knowing it's not an actual like breakup goodbye but just a goodbye for now.

Authors Note: ooooo draaama... you might hate me for the next few chapters but it'll be great anyway.

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