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Emma wakes up the next morning with a pounding headache and the same clothes she was in yesterday. she's lying on her couch with half of her body off and half of her body on. She looks around to see Allie asleep upside down on a chair next to her.

"Allie, wake up," she throws a pillow at her face.

"hmm i'm up i'm up."

"what the hell happened last night?"

"I don't know... all I can remember is crying over how Tom Holland will never know I exist," Allie answers.

"ha ha... I remember that."

"I need advil"

"I need any painkiller I can get." They both walk into the kitchen and make eggs, toast, beans, rashers, and sausage... the classic Irish breakfast. Allie and Emma met each other in Dublin where they went to college and have been friends ever since. Allie is from a town called Ballina in County Mayo.

"are you doing anything today?" Allie asks Emma.

"nope... I have nothing planned until this whole quarantine is over."

"let's watch movies," she says.

"what a good way to waste a day."

"I know right!!" she squeals.

They decided on a movie called "Beautiful Boy" about a drug addict son who struggles in life and his dad who tries to help him.

Halfway into the movie she hears her phone ping and see a text from Timmy.

have a fun time last night?

she gets scared... not knowing what she did

oh god what did I do

oh nothing just called me
while you were completely

oh lord please tell me I
didn't embarrass myself

oh you did

I don't even wanna know
what I said

well you said that you think
my voice is hot and that my
name seems like a hot name

she cringes in embarrassment
"Allie do you remember calling Timothée last night?"
"oh shit... did we?"
"apparently, fuck"

fuck me
very sorry about that

nah you're all good it was funny

it's still embarrassing

yeah just a little lol
so whatcha doing rn?

watching a movie called 'beautiful
boy', have you seen it?

Timmy laughs while he's sitting on his couch, knowing she has no idea the person she's texting is on the movie she's watching right now

Oh yeah I love that movie, thought it was really good

well i'm gonna get back to it but i'll text you after?

sonne bien  (sounds good)

"That guy's pretty hot," Allie points to the character I think is named Nic Sheff in the movie.

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