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Name: Palesnow

Gender: Male

Age: 96 moons

Clan: WindClan

Rank: Permanent Nursery-Elder

Physical Description: Pale cream tabby tom with bright blue eyes. Very fluffy fur with a round belly and short legs from his RiverClan parents. (He was kidnapped by WindClan cats as a kit and held ransom for prey, but no cat came to take him home.)

Likes: Kits, helping sick/ injured cats feel better (emotionally), naps in the sunshine, telling stories to kits, helping out queens while their mates are away.

Dislikes: Loud noises, getting wet, RiverClan cats (though he does not hold grudges)

Fears: One of the kits that reside in the nursery's parent(s) dying and the kit being alone and hopeless like he was when his parents left him.

Talents: calming cats, taking care of and playing with kits, napping

Personality: He is kind, bubbly, and warm. He absolutely loves kits and would die to protect any kit from any Clan. He does not hold a grudge against his parents and completely forgave them when he saw them for the first time as a warrior. He is very wise in his old age. (When he was a prisoner in WindClan, he was cared for by the queens. He never felt like a true prisoner.)

Flaws: He's lost all of the spark that a warrior has to stay active, therefore he is very overweight

Apprentice(s): He never trained any apprentices.

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