Where The Beginning Ended

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4 Years Ago

Thunder rumbled in the distance; gale force winds raced through the concrete jungle of Chicago, in a ferocious game of tig. Rain lashed against the windows and the occasional streak of lightning flashed across the sky. "Hey!" Jay frowned as the fridge door slammed shut. Where the door had been, Hailey stood with a beer bottle in hand "getting a drink" Hailey said, staring right at Jay. "You can't, you're breastfeeding" Jays mouth agape, and continued to stare back at Hailey. "I can and I will" Hailey glared. Jay stood shocked for a moment before his expressions changed. Seeing the bottle in Haileys hand he snatched it from her. "HEY!" She yelled. "I need that" Hailey added. Thunder grumbled outside again, interrupting the arguing for a breif second. "No you don't" Jays voice shook, he tried to keep calm and patient, but Hailey was really pushing him. Ever since little Jasmine had been born a few weeks ago, Hailey had been growing distant. Her whole deminor had changed, and recently Jay had noticed his wife hand turned to alcahol.

Hailey hadn't got up 'till 11, fortunately it was a Sunday and Jay hadn't had to go to work so he could tend to Jasmine. However, Hailey hadn't talked to Jay much all day, he attempted to talk to her, but was met with a sarcastic comment. At lunch she snapped at him over a little question of how she was doing, and he hadn't talked to her since. "Yes I do!" Hailey swung the fridge door open again to snag another beer, and Jay slammed the door shut again with a crash. "Hailey" Jay pleaded. "Please don't" He sat the beer on the end of the island, and leaned forward slightly. "Talk to me, this isn't you" Jay whispered. "Yes it is, deal with it" Hailey replied. Hailey lobbed a coaster sending it flying across the room in Jays direction- just dodging it, it shattered against a wall behind Jay. Another crash of thunder filled the air, and  Jasmine began to cry from the noise. "Hailey..." Jay trailed off- completely flabbergasted and shook with Haileys stunt- as Hailey stormed to the door and slammed is closed, leaving Jay to calm an hysterical Jasmine.

A/N: I hope you continue to read and enjoy this story. Alot of gray hairs have appeared on my head- way to many for someone whom hasn't even reached adulthood 😂. All votes and comments would be so welcomed. Thankyou!

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