Chapter 04

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"I can't be your Luna!" I shrieked out. "I don't even know what a Luna does besides I'm a human."

Griffin squeezed my hand making me relax a bit but I was still frantic. "Sweetie it will be alright." Gabrielle patted my leg trying to comfort me. "Dear we will teach you everything you need to know."

"But I'm just a human I-I-I really don't think I would be a good fit." I shrieked out panic setting in. If they only knew about my abuse from my parents.

Griffin looked at me worried. "Baby what's wrong?" I shook my head frantically trying to clear my thoughts before the tears spilled over. "Hey you can talk to me." Griffin spoke softly grabbing my chin gently and tilting it up to look him in the eyes.

I took a breath before I felt the tears prick my eyes I could see the concern written in Griffin's features.  "I'm weak Griffin I have the scars to prove it." I cried out.

"What are you talking about?" Griffin questioned looking at me as the tears ran down my face blurring my vision.

"Griffin I can not tell you but there is a past to me that no one knows!" I wept.

Griffin watched as I wiped the tears away trying to control myself before I told him everything. "Baby I will be here whenever you are ready to talk about it." He pulled me into his chest wiping any stray tears from my eyes. "But you are the perfect Luna for my pack because you are my mate."

I smiled at Griffin feeling so much love as someovne cleared their throat. Griffin and I turned to look at whoever had coughed realizing his mother and father were still standing there watching us

"Come the next full moon we will have the mating ceremony to hand down to you and your mate out Alpha and Luna position." Alpha Gavin declared. Panic continued to course through me at the thought of mating with Griffin.

Gabrielle patted my knee sending me a gentle smile, "You two should get some rest!" She stated quietly as she and Alpha Gavin stood to leave.

"The two of you have two weeks to discuss it." Alpha Gavin spoke before he and his wife disappeared upstairs.

Griffin looked at me with his green eyes full of concern. "You are my mate Faith so I will do whatever you want."

"Griffin I need time to think I mean it's so sudden I didn't even know werewolves existed." I explained feeling shy.

Griffin nodded at me acknowledging what I was saying. "I understand and I will be here when you are ready to talk."

"Goodnight Griffin." I spoke before I stood and walked towards my room.

"Goodnight Faith." Griffin whispered loud enough for me to hear as my back disappeared into my room.

I lay in my bed trying to comprehend everything that has happened in the matter of days. I wiped away some stray tears from my eyes as I realized I was falling in love with Griffin. Knowing my past I knew no one could ever love me and I can not get my hopes up thinking Griffin will love me back.

I silently cried myself to sleep not realizing that the tears were still streaming down my face.

There was a knock at my door so I turned to look towards the clock realizing it was already seven in the morning. I stood up grabbing my robe and wrapping it around my body before opening the door to a smiling Griffin.

"Good morning sleepy head." He chuckled after looking me up and down.

I rubbed my eyes yawning as I stretched. "Good morning Griffin."

"Can we talk for a minute in private?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck looking nervous. That's cute I thought as I smiled back at him.

I opened my bedroom door wider to allow him entrance into my room. He looked around my room frowning slightly before he turned back towards me giving me a smile. "Your room is kind of bare isn't it?"

"Now I know you did not come to talk about my room Griffin so what's up?" I shot back eyebrow raised.

Griffin stuck his hands up in defense. "Okay okay yeah I did not come to talk about your room but I've never been in here before so it surprised me." He stated kindly. "I just wanted to talk to you about everything that has happened in the past couple of days."

"I already told you I need time to think, that means alone." I spoke sternly.

He nodded. "I get that but I wanted to answer any questions that you might have I understand that we just threw all of this at you." He began explaining. "You have been here for almost two years now and never knew anything about us."

"Okay so explain everything to me?" I asked quietly.

He gestured for me to sit down on the bed next to him before he opened his mouth to speak. "My father is the current Alpha of our pack which is named Lunar Pack we are one of the largest wolf packs in the US." I nodded letting Griffin know I was following. "We have over two hundred members who all have assigned jobs from previous Alphas."

"How do you have so many werewolves in this area with no one knowing?" I questioned surprised.

Griffin chuckled softly at my curiosity. "We blend in with the humans we only shift into our wolf form when we are up here in the woods where no humans are allowed to come." He explained to me slowly making sure I understood before continuing. "We live by the Alpha's rules and if anyone disobeys they are punished."

I gasped loudly. "What do you mean punish them?"

Griffin grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "Nothing bad unless they really did something like helping out rouges." I raised my eyebrow which Griffin nodded understanding. "Rogues are wolves who were thrown out of their packs or just decided to leave they are very dangerous and would not think twice before killing one of our kind."

"That's crazy why do they just kill other wolves?" I asked quizzically.

"Most of them left their packs because they despise authority so they kill to make them seem tougher than others." I stared at Griffin as his jaw clenched as if he remembered something. "They killed my best friend he was going to be the future Beta of this pack."

"What is a Beta?" I asked as I held his hand to my chest trying to comfort him.

"Betas are the second in command you have Alphas who are the leaders of the pack and them you have Betas, Deltas, pack warriors, trackers, and then the rest of the pack."

"Are those some of the jobs you assign them?" I asked quietly.

Griffin nodded at my question. "Yeah there are some others like maids and doctors things like that." Griffin continued to tell me all about his pack. "Then we have mates which are our other halves the one the moon goddess made for us."

"Well how did we get to be mates?" I questioned feeling confused.

Griffin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but I'm glad you are my mate I used to think I would never find my mate we usually find our mate when we turn seventeen."

Griffin and I went to breakfast after we talked some more about how being mates worked. Once we finished eating we were interrupted by a young man running into the house screaming.

"Alpha there is a human on our lands!"

"What? How did they get on our land?" Alpha Gavin demanded answers.

"I'm sorry Alpha I have no clue but he says he is looking for his daughter who ran away."

I froze in my place it couldn't be, could it?

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