Rating crack ships.

586 6 4

(yes these exist-)

Heather x Justin:

No? These two never had an actual interaction, if they had some cute moments of friendship would see how people could ship them but, just no?

Bridgette x Courtney:

I mean, I get it but prefer them as friends, I really can't ship Bridgette with anyone else but Geoff.

Gwen x LeShawna

Again, I really just see them as friends and can't see LeShawna having an actual relationship with someone. (Leharold was just Harold always running around and trying to please LeShawna, it was funny but I wouldn't consider them a couple.)

Izzy x Alejandro

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they only had one actual interaction, and Alejandro clearly didn't like it?

Beth x Duncan

No? I'm sorry but them in action if anything had a sibling type relationship, ik Duncan said he would kiss her if Beth didn't have some of her traits, but I doubt Duncan would even look her way if she didn't.

Heather x Gwen

What? Huh? Oh? Okay? Haha.

But seriously, they really don't make sense, sorry.

Noah x Izzy

 Well....I think she wouldn't really like his cynical attitude when she's such a free spirit. 

Courtney x Justin

Justin was incredibly stupid in his final episode of competing. He finally got a personality in action and threw it away for Courtney, someone already in a relationship, and was really hard to get through to, I don't know how he thought she would just get with him that easily.

Alejandro x Courtney

I'm sorry but Courtney obviously wasn't in a good mindset. If anything manipulation and a false sense of love isn't cute.

And lastly Gwen x Bridgette

Can't see them as anything but friends.

Total drama rant book.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora