Dark/twisted head canons.

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1. Heather lost herself. She barley felt like she was herself anymore, becoming who she was made her truly unhappy/

2. Noah is the way he is because he had come out to his family, but they didn't accept him forcing him into bisexuality and trying to convert him into being straight from there, so he uses a sarcastic cover to shield how hurt he is.

3. Duncan is afraid of Celene dion standees because when he was 6 he was almost kidnapped at a Celene dion concert in front of a standee of her, it's all he can really remember about that day.

4. Gwen had a perfect family since she was born, however her dad died in a car crash when she was 14, her mom became deranged because of this and tried to maintain the perfect family image, but Gwen had basically rebeled and became a goth and upset her mom often with that image.

5. Trent is afraid of mimes because when he was nine, he was watching a live mime show on the street, the mime wanted a volunteer, Trent went up and was having fun till the mime decided to throw him on the street and a car almost hit him, and all the crowd and mime could do was laugh.

6. Lindsay is so dumb because she got hit by a car and went into a coma, when she woke up she had some extreme amnesia, so that's why she picks up names but can't pin point the faces.

7. Heather is so mean because she was bullied throughout middle and elementary school, so she decided to glow up and hurt the others the way she was hurt.

8. Cody is so girl crazy because a girl decided to invite hm to a party in freshman year and made him the punching bag of the party, so he made it his quest to show people that he was cool and could get girls, hence his obsession with Gwen.

9. Tyler is afraid of chickens because when he was 10 one pecked him in the eye and sent him to the ER.

10. Katie and Sadie are best friends because Katie saved Sadie from drowning when they were 13, ever since they've been close.

11. Dj loves baking because it's all he would do for his mom when she was diagnosed with liver cancer. She survived, but he loves it because it was the one thing that made his mom happy during that difficult time.

12. Geoff parties so much because it distracts him from reality.

13. Courtney is afraid of green jelly because it was what she was eating when she found out her mom was cheating on her father, and would mark the start of the emotional abuse her mother made her deal with, so she hates green jelly for eternity.

14. Bridgette loves surfing because she was bit by a shark and survived it, so she uses it as a way to show how strong she is.

And lastly 15. Alejandro plays girls because his brother Jose had always teased him about how he wasn't interested in girls, so it turned into a competition, and it became a bad habit of Alejandro's.

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