Chapter 05

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Once the council had left Eli and I discussed the training of the younger male vampires. "I do not believe they should have to be trained they are still children." I mentioned not liking the idea of sixteen year old boys fighting.

"I know love but if they don't learn how to fight properly then our kind as we know it could be wiped out." Eli spoke trying to reassure that it was for the best.

I nodded my head but still being uneasy about the situation. "I still do not like the idea but I suppose you know what is best for the men of this village."

"We both know what is good for all of the village people." Eli replied smiling as he pulled me in for a loving hug. "Now let's go wait for our daughter to come home."

I nodded excitedly at the mention of our daughter. "Let's go cuddle while we wait?" I begged.

Eli laughed as he pulled me along with him to our room.


Once Layla and Dawn arrived back home with loads of bags being carried by Lucifer and Raemon. Layla ran up to us holding a lovely coral pink ball gown, "Mommy, Daddy look at the dress aunt Lil bought for the ball."

"It's beautiful baby." I exclaimed pulling her into a hug after looking at the dress.

Layla looked at Eli waiting for his approval. "It looks like a dress fit for a princess sweetie." He spoke softly before picking her up and hugging her tightly.

"Mommy what is the ball for again?" Layla looked to me curiosity swimming in her eyes.

Eli looked towards me then back to Layla before he spoke. "Mommy is having a birthday ball made for a queen so that we can celebrate the wonderful woman she is."

"How old are you turning mommy?" Layla squealed with so much excitement.

I kneeled down looking eye to eye with my daughter before speaking. "In human years I'll be twenty but in vampire years I'll be two hundred."

"Mommy you are getting old." Layla gasped shocked at how old I was.

I nodded my head giggling at her surprise. "Yes baby but daddy is much older then mommy."

"How old is daddy?" She exclaimed finding it hard to believe Eli could be older then twenty.

Eli picked up Layla looking towards me before smiling. "I'm twenty-two in human years and two hundred and twenty in vampire years."

"Oh wow daddy you are older." Layla squealed with her nose scrunched up.

Eli and I laughed at our daughter's silly face. "Oh yeah well I will remember that when you grow older." Eli stated jokingly towards Layla.

As Eli chuckled Layla slid out of his grasp and ran off with her tongue sticking out at the two of us.

Eli shook his head amused as he held me close once Layla was no longer in our sight he looked towards Lucifer and Raemon. "If you two would not mind taking those bags up to Layla's room then get on post."

Lucifer and Raemon nodded before bowing and walking up towards our daughters room with all her bags. Dawn walked towards us with a smile plastered on her pale face. "You two are doing such a wonderful job your father would be proud."

"Thank you mother." Eli replied. "So what's with all the shopping bags?" Eli questioned eyebrow raised.

Dawn waved his question off. "Oh grandma's just have to spoil their grandchildren once in awhile." Then she walked off to her room.

As we watched Lucifer and Raemon walk out to get on post I decided I would go get some maids to help me unpack all of Layla's bags while Eli set up a meeting with Valentine our head warrior. Valentine was to be the trainer for the younger vampires. I turned to Eli and gave him a passionate kiss before walking towards Layla's room.

"Where are you going?" Eli yelled after me.

I stopped and turned around smiling. "I'm just going to do motherly things do you already miss me that much." I laughed as I spoke.

"Okay love I'll send some of the women to help you unpack Layla's things." Eli chuckled as he shook his head from side to side.

I nodded and turned on my heel to continue up the stairs towards Layla's room. Once I got to the door I heard my daughter laughing, I opened the door to find her playing with her dolls and talking to nothing.

"Layla, sweetie who are you talking to?" I asked looking around her room.

Layla looked at me and then beside her before looking back at me. "I'm talking to my friend mommy." She replied as if I should know this already.

"Sweetheart there's no one here except you and I." I stated clearly not seeing anyone else.

Layla shook her head frustrated. "Mommy she's right beside me her name is Jezz."

"Is she imaginary sweetheart, because I don't see anyone beside you?" I questioned looking next to my daughter where she had been staring.

Layla laughed as she looked back at me with a crazy look on her face. "No mama you're silly Jazz just does not want to be seen by you or daddy." She replied before turning her head to look beside her with a frown plastered on her face.  "She's my mom I can't lie to her Jazz I'm sorry."

"Sweetie what's wrong?" I worriedly asked not liking the frown on my daughter's usually smiling face.

Layla looked back to me with tears brimming her eyes. "Jezz is mad at me for telling you about her." Then Layla got up from the floor and walked out of her room.

I watched as she walked away sadly with her shoulders slumped over and head facing down.  'Something is not right about this' I thought to myself then noticing all the bags sitting on the floor beside her bed. As three maids walked in I asked them to hang up the clothes as I went to talk to Eli about the weird conversation with Layla.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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