Chapter 03

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After our guests left Eli and I went to bed feeling exhausted from the days events. As we cuddled up under our duvet enjoying the comfort of each other I turned to look Eli in the eyes.

"What will we do if Jezebel tries to harm our daughter?" I asked worried for the safety of Layla.

Eli pulled me closer to his chest as he kissed my temple comfortingly. "We will keep guards on alert at all times she will not harm Layla I can assure you of that."

While his words were reassuring they did not help to calm the panic that was in my heart. We kissed each other goodnight and fell asleep with heaviness in our hearts for the safety of our daughter.

"Mommy, daddy wake up it's time to eat." I stirred around as I heard Layla come into our room yelling.

I looked up at my beautiful angel standing in front of me smiling with her little fangs sticking out. "Shh sweetie please don't be so loud mommy did not sleep well." I pleaded with my little girl as I rubbed my temples trying to ease the pain.

"Mommy grandma told me to wake you and daddy up for breakfast and that you have some important people to talk to today." Layla explained softly.

I nodded my head as I sat up throwing my legs over the bed and standing. "Okay sweetheart thank you for telling us daddy and I will be down soon." I spoke ushering my daughter out the door before waking Eli.

I gently shook Eli trying to wake him as the burning in my throat started to set in along with my fangs protruding from my gums. "Eli I need you to get up I'm thirsty and my throat is on fire."

Eli opened his eyes looking me in the eye noticing the pain I was in he quickly sat up and pulled me into his neck. I then sunk my fangs into his neck tasting that metallic flavor I loved so much. Once the burning in my throat subsided my fangs retracted into my gums and I licked the two pin holes I created in Eli's neck.

I pulled back and looked him in the eye noticing the lust and longing before sweeping my hair over my shoulder giving him access to my neck. Eli pulled me closer to him burying his face in my neck as a sting of pleasure ran its course through my body.

Once Eli had finished licking the excess blood from my neck he trailed kisses up my jaw to my lips where the two of us kissed passionately. I could not help the moan that escaped my lips as Eli continued to leave little love bites all along my collarbone.

"E-Eli we should probably get ready and go downstairs before Layla comes back up." I mentioned not really wanting the moment to end.

Eli nodded his head pecking my lips before climbing out of the bed. "Of course love, you are right."

Once we finally were dressed we made our way to the dining room with smiles on our faces.  Once Layla saw us walk through the door she came running towards us jumping into Eli's arms.

"Daddy good morning me and grandma made breakfast and then grandma is going to take me shopping with aunt Lil." Layla exclaimed with excitement in her eyes.

Eli looked to his mother and then back to Layla. "That sounds like a wonderful idea sweetie."

"Grandma said I get to pick out a new ball gown." She squealed at the idea.

Eli smiled and kissed her head as he sat her down in her chair pulling out my chair for me to sit. "That's great sweetie, mom make sure you take Lucifer and Raemon with you guys."

Dawn nodded at the mention of the two guards that Eli has trusted to watch over our daughter since she was born. "Of course dear." His mother replied softly.

We all began stuffing our mouths with the delicious food Layla made with her grandma. "Layla you did a hood job helping grandma this food is delicious." I encouraged her for helping out around the castle.

"Thank you mommy grandma let me crack the eggs, butter the toast, and even get the jam out of the fridge." She listed off feeling so proud of herself.

Eli chuckled as he stuffed his last bite if toast in his mouth. "Seems like you were a big helped sweetie."

"Thank you daddy." She spoke pleased with the praise she was being given.

Eli then stood up and kissed me on the temple then giving Layla a kiss on the head and lastly giving his mother a kiss on the cheek. "Well I'm going to go get things set up for the meeting with the council members."

Then he walked out while Layla, Dawn, and I finished our breakfast cleaning up the rest of the dishes.  Layla started pulling in my dress trying to get my attention from the dishes I was washing.

"Mommy can you come with us today?" Layla begged giving me those vampy eyes of hers.

I shook my head as I kneeled in front of her. "Sweetie I would love to but mommy and daddy have a lot of important things to do."

"Why cant daddy do them without you?" She questioned curiously.

I laughed and pulled her in for a tight hug. "Baby daddy needs mommy to keep him in line."

"Okay mommy but next time will you come?" She pouted.

I nodded my head as I stood back up turning back to the dishes to finish. "Of course sweetheart now you and grandma go get ready before aunt Lil gets here."

Layla nodded giving me her biggest smile before skipping off to her room. That little girls smile could warm any heart she was just so pure and innocent. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the background and I wanted her to stay that way.

The Witch Hunt: Jezebel's Revenge (Hunt Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz