Chapter 02

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"Scar, Lu I did not know you two were joining us for dinner." I exclaimed shocked at their presence.

Scarlet jumped up and walked towards me bringing me into a hug. "I know I'm sorry you have just been so busy with queen things that we just haven't spent much time together."

"I know I never expected to be this busy but someone has to keep this man in line." I joked pointing towards Eli.

Everyone laughed as Eli grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into him. "Well my love this dinner is to celebrate you and all the things you do." Eli announced.

"Eli you did not have to do this, I love what I do." I pouted loving my handsome mate.

Eli smiled that sparkling smile he always gives me when he is happy. "I know love and that is why I wanted to do something you would enjoy."

I hugged Eli tightly around his waist as Layla jumped up into his arms. "Mommy is it your birthday?" She questioned not understanding.

"No sweetheart daddy just wanted to do something nice for me." I replied grabbing her from Eli's arms and pulling her close to me as Eli engulfed us both into a hug.

"Shall we eat now?" He asked.

Layla and I looked at him with huge grins shaking our heads yes. I sat Layla in her seat that was built just for her it was a green oak wood chair that had little pink and purple flowers painted covering all its surfaces it was also raised higher than our normal chairs so she could reach the table. Eli pulled out my chair as I sat down and he pushed my chair back in before taking his seat. Eli was such a gentleman when it came to Layla and I.

After dinner Eli and I went to tuck Layla into bed for the night before we spent more time with our guests. As we sat on her bed Layla crawled under her covers looking towards Eli with he pouty lip and big round purple eyes begging to be read a story. "Please daddy can you tell me a bedtime story."

Eli sighed before taking a seat next to Layla as I watched in admiration. "Let's see here once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess who ruled over the whole village most people loved the young princess but there was an evil witch who despised the young child."

"What does despised mean?" Layla asked.

"Despised means did not like. So the witch did not like the princess very much but the sweet little girl loved all people and just a smile could make anyone fall in love with her so when the witch came to the castle to attack the poor child when she finally saw the child smile her heart of ice was melted and she fell in love with the princess as everyone else did." Eli finished his little story.

Layla looked to Eli before she gave him a hug and kissed his cheek and crawled to me doing the same. "I love you mommy, daddy goodnight."

"We love you sweetie." Eli and I said in unison.

Once Layla laid back down we tucked her in and walked out of the door silently closing the door behind us. We then entered our lounge room where Scarlet, Lucas, Lilith, and Alex sat waiting for us with a bottle of wine.

"What's with the wine?" I questioned with my eyebrow raised.

Scarlet and Lilith wrapped their arms around my shoulders as Lucas handed me a glass. "We came to celebrate the great job that you do running a kingdom." Lilith stated. "And raising that beautiful little girl." Scarlet added after she took a sip of her wine.

"Guys I already told you I love what I do and my daughter is the gift that I needed." I explained not really needing this little celebration for things that I love to do. I took a long sip of my wine as we all sat down on the couches.

Everyone was drinking except for Lilith. "So sister tell me how is everything at home?"

"Eli can we not start with the interrogations right now when we are trying to celebrate." Lilith replied seeming like there was something she was holding back.

I looked at Lilith with one of my eyebrows raised. "Hey what are you not telling us?"

"Destiny please I can not ruin the happy moment." She pleaded with me.

"Lilith please I'm begging you I can tell when you are hiding something." I begged with her needing to know what she was not telling me.

Lilith sighed before she looked back to Eli and I. "I have been having reoccurring dreams of the same woman." She started and took a breath.  "She looks familiar but I can not figure out who she is."

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"Whoever she is, is the person behind all the evil." She explained.

Eli stood up seeming upset. "Explain to me what she looks like."

"Why?" I asked.

Eli looked to me and then back to Lilith waiting for her description of this woman. "She has long, crazy black hair with the most deadliest grey eyes that could look straight into your soul, she's paler than the moon and she has this evil smile that could send anyone to hell."

I looked to Eli who seemed to stiffen at her description of this woman which surprised me and made me curious as to if he knew who she was. I slightly touched his arm causing him to jump as if he were thought completely forgetting where he was.

"Eli, do you know this woman your sister just described?" I asked softly looking into his eyes for any clues to if he knew.

Eli looked back towards Lilith before he opened his mouth. "Jezebel."

That was the only word he spoke as Lilith and I stiffened at the realization of Jezebel coming back.

The Witch Hunt: Jezebel's Revenge (Hunt Series)Where stories live. Discover now