Chapter 01

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"Its a healthy baby girl." The doctor announced after hours of intense pain. Eli held our beautiful daughter, who had moonlight, white hair with some mesmerizing, purple eyes, she looked so magical.

The next day when we were heading home our daughter had already grown four months. Every month she seemed to grow another four months.

Her first birthday came and she was already five years old. Her hair was unruly, curls of white and those big beautiful purple eyes would just melt your heart.

"Mommy, daddy auntie Lil is here." Our daughter came running into the thrown room gleaming with excitement.

Lilith walked into the throne room holding Alex's arm to keep her balance as she waddled into the room. I jumped from my seat and rushed to my best friend engulfing her in a hug before pulling back and looking at her in amazement.

"When were you planning on telling me you were pregnant?" I exclaimed surprised to see a huge baby bump.

Lilith chuckled while leaning into Alex for support. "I meant to tell you sooner but you have been busy with all the things a queen does."

"Layla Rae can you go get your auntie Lilith a chair." Eli asked our daughter nicely. She nodded before running off to find a chair.

"So tell me everything." I squealed with excitement for my best friend.

Lilith laughed as Eli scolded me. "Baby wait until she has a seat before you interrogate her."

Layla Rae came running into the throne room pulling a chair along with her grandmother Dawn. Once Dawn laid eyes on Lilith she burst into tears pulling her youngest child in for a hug. As Dawn let go Lilith took a seat in the chair Layla Rae brought.

"Auntie Lil tell us your fairytale." Layla Rae begged taking a seat criss cross on the floor in front of Lilith.

Everyone smiled at the adorable five year old. "Well after mommy amd daddy took over as king and queen and found out they were having you I was sent a message." Lilith began looking down at Layla Rae with adoration in her features. "Scotus said that the princess would need a little protector and the only person that would be able to protect her would be my son."

"What does the princess look like?" Layla Rae asked not knowing Lilith was talking about her.

Lilith reached for Layla's little hands. "She's a beautiful little girl with the whitest of hair and glowing purple eyes."

"She sounds like me." Layla Rae gasped.

"Layla sweetie could you take grandma and show her your new toy set." Eli broke his daughter's trance from the story.

Layla whined but listened to her father as she grabbed Dawn's hand. "Come on grandma."

As they left the room Eli looked to his little sister. "Lilith what is this Scotus message you mentioned."

"He came to me after you two found out you were pregnant." Lilith started. "He told me that there was danger brewing and that I needed to have a child."

Alex placed his hand on her shoulder giving a light squeeze. "Our son will be the strongest vampire in the whole royal family." He continued Lilith's story.

"Our son will keep Layla safe from whatever evil is after her." Eli and I stared at Lilith worried as she spoke. "Layla is to be extremely powerful even more powerful than all of us combined so she will need the protection."

Eli stood from his throne before approaching Lilith. "What kind of evil is after my daughter?" He demanded as I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Scotus could not tell me at the time but in time things shall be revealed to me that is all I know dear brother." Lilith spoke softly not wanting to anger Eli.

Eli turned away worth his nostrils flaring he took deep breathes to calm himself before he lost all control. "How could someone want harm to come to my sweet angel." He cried out as I wrapped my arms around his waist breathing in his scent. "Everyone in the village loves her as do the werewolf pack if it comes down to it there will be war."

"Eli we mustn't have another war so soon we are just now recovering from the last one." I stated remembering the war that took the lives of many including Eli's father, the king, along with my father.

ElI turned to look at me as he noticed the tears stream down my face he pulled me into his chest holding me tightly. "I know my love but to keep out daughter safe I would do anything."

"Brother I know you're the king and you make the calls but I beg of you wait until I hear from Scotus again." Lilith cried out to my mate. "I fear we do not know of what danger is to come so we should not go into a battle blind."

Eli looked towards Lilith with his arm still wrapped tightly around me he nodded his head at his sister's words. "Fine sister I will give you until the blood moon to hear from him if he does not give you anymore information or any signs I will find my own way."

"I understand brother that's all the time I need." Lilith replied back softly.

The door to the throne room opened and in skipped Layla with a big grin on her face. "Mother, father dinner is ready." Then she turned and ran right back out the door.

Eli turned towards his sister and her mate before he could say a word I asked, "Lilith, Alex would you two care to join us for dinner?"

"We would love to." Lilith grinned standing up as she link her arm with mine we walked towards the kitchen with the two men following behind us.

Lilith and I chatted, on the way towards the kitchen, about baby names also how her pregnancy was going. When we reached the dinning room I was shocked to see Scarlet and Lucas sitting there talking to Layla.

The Witch Hunt: Jezebel's Revenge (Hunt Series)Where stories live. Discover now