Chapter 04

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Once I had finished the dishes I waved Dawn, Lilith, and Layla off as they drove away from the castle. When I could no longer see their car I closed the castle door and made my way towards our meeting room.

I reached the door but before I could open it I heard the voices of Eli and his father's father, Vlad.

Vlad, his brother Thaddeus, and their sister Karoline had showed up to the castle to discuss the king and queen role from order of the council. When we first met I was only two months pregnant and not showing so they did not know about Layla.

The five of us sat around the meeting table as Eli held my hand comfortingly as I was nervous. Karoline looked up from our hands giving us a gentle smile.

"I see you two have become quite comfortable together." She stated watching our every move.

Eli looked down at me and back up to the three elders. "We love one another very much." I nodded along with his words afraid of my voice.

"Well you must know by now why we are here." Vlad mentioned kindly.

Eli nodded his head but as for me I had no clue why they were here.

Thaddeus noticed the confused look in my eyes. "Why has no one told this girl of our visit?"

"I'm sorry we had not had time to discuss it together she has been very busy with the village children." Eli answered half lying.

Vlad nodded looking to Thaddeus a little disappointed. "We understand."

"Let's proceed with why we are here then." Karoline spoke up.

"We have been sent by the Overseer of the Council to discuss with you the rules from the previous queen then to add more to them." Vlad started.

Thaddeus cleared his throat continuing. "Queen Dawn gave the rules that no Vampire shall turn a human who is unwilling and no feeding from humans who do not wish to be fed on."

"With our kind and humans now being equal we have a few concerns which is why we must add more rules to be followed." Karoline added nicely.

Vlad nodded at his sister's comment. "So first any children must be born from vampire not a mix of the two we would like to have all pure blood vampires."

"No more wars unless authorized by someone from the council." Thaddeus added.

Karoline looked to her brother before turning her attention back to us. "And lastly all deaths must be reported to the council and recorded, placed somewhere safe."

"And one more thing all concerns and questions from the village must come through the king." Vlad spoke adding to what his sister said.

"We understand and agree to uphold all these rules." Eli swore. "We will hold a meeting with the village to bring them to light."

The three council members nodded their heads seeming pleased with what Eli said. "That's wonderful to hear since we have discussed this you now have the understanding so we shall be on our way." Vlad stayed before the three stood as Eli escorted them out.

"So how are things with your mate?" Vlad asked I'm assuming Eli.

Eli replied after clearing his throat. "Very well though we have had some concerns brought to our attention."

"Like what?" Thaddeus pried.

Eli coughed before answering. "Well if you must know our daughter seems to be in some kind of trouble."

"Daughter? We didn't know you had a child." Thaddeus complained.

"Thaddeus that is enough we must not know everything that is the Overseer's job." Vlad spoke to his brother.

I quietly knocked before opening the door. Once the door was completely open all heads were turned towards me. Vlad quickly takes my hand to shake as Eli comes to my side.

"It is so lovely to see you again Miss Destiny." Vlad says nicely.

I smiled as I looked to Vlad and Thaddeus. "It's nice to see you two again as well."

"So shall we get on with this little meeting." Eli questioned as Vlad smiled at me while Thaddeus sneered, Thaddeus never seemed like a really nice man he was very rude and unkind.

The four of us took a seat around the round meeting table before Vlad cleared his throat to begin. "So we have come by to see how you were doing and we heard there were some commotions around the village so we wanted to clear any of that up."

"Ah yes some men around the village have been concerned with the younger men not being trained in case of a war." Eli started. "We know wars are not permitted but if one were to occur they would like the younger generation to know what to do to protect our kind."

Vlad nodded his head as Thaddeus scowled. "I see well we will mention this to the Overseer we may be able to have some training grounds added to help train those over sixteen."

"Brother do you really think that would be good when we have ruled that war is not happening unless we agree to it?" Thaddeus questioned unpleased by his brother's words.

Vlad turned to his brother and frowned. "Thaddeus if the younger generation can not fight how would we expect them to protect our kind in case of a war?"

Thaddeus grumbled but did not speak another word. "Is there any other problems?" Vlad asked sincerely.

"No sir we have kept it quite lovely here since my mate had our daughter." Eli started by praising me. "The village love her she goes to help them with their shops, she watches over the children, she helps the older children with their schoolwork, she cooks and cleans with the women, and every Sunday we have a feast in the castle for all the village to join us."

The two men looked at me surprised. "No queen has ever showed such interest in the village before." Thaddeus states.

Eli smiles at me grabbing my hand and kissing it. "That's why she is the greatest mate and mother I could have every wishes for."

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