Forgive And Forget

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    It's  been days Shen Wei  is evading Yunlan because his still pretty mad. While Yunlan evading Hong's  twins in seeing him in the hospital.

    When Shen Wei  went to the market he didn't  expect  to bumped  into Chu. Shen Wei  was about to leave but Chu grabbed  his arms. "Please! Let's  talk!" But Shen Wei  retrieve  his arms, "What for! I have suffered in humiliation! When you didn't  accepted  my love because you told me your straight!

   But now! What's  this! You marry a guy! And my dear cousin Guo!" Chu pulled him to a nearby table to explain. "I was straight really but not disgusted  on what you said. My relationship of Guo your cousin is accidentally! After the earthquake  I thought  our world will end! And I went back to your house but your gone! And there  I saw Guo and rescue him!

    I didn't  know taking care of him making me fall for him! So sorry! I hope you forgive me! I rejected your love because I'm still confuse! I'm sorry if I've hurt you!" He said. "I will think about it!" And left. Unknown to him Yunlan saw him with Chu, he clenched  his fist and followed  Shen Wei  back to their house.

    Shen Wei  was startled  when Yunlan came from his behind. "Oh! Did I  surprise  you?!" He shout. Shen Wei  ignored him and place his shopping  bags on thd kitchen table. "So this is revenge?!" That made Shen Wei  stop his doing. "What are you talking about?"

    Yunlan tried to control his anger but failing, "Chu! I saw you with Chu! Are you getting back at him because of what I did  last time! Are you having an affair with that guy?!!!" He shout. That's  the last straw that Shen Wei's  holding his anger and shouted at him back. "WHAT ABOUT YOU?!!! DO YOU REALLY  LOVE ME?!!! OR JUST A REPLACEMENT  FOR YOUR DEAD WIFE!!! I'M NOT ZHU HONG! AH LAN!!!!" And pounded his fist.

    Making Yunlan walk back and stuttered,  "No! Your not! When I first saw you I thought your a nymph of the sea! I fell inlove with you at first sight! I'm straight back then......but you made me like you! I don't  know? Did you enchanted  me back then?" He ask and doing his puppy eyes on Shen Wei.

but you made me like you! I don't  know? Did you enchanted  me back then?" He ask and doing his puppy eyes on Shen Wei

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

    Shen Wei  started to laugh making Yunlan went beside  him. "Are you not replacing  me with Chu?!" He ask. "I think about it?!" Shen Wei  said and turned his back to continue his groceries.  But Yunlan persist him. "Xiao Wei! I really love you! And won't  replace you with anyone!"

    Still Shen Wei  ignored him. Yunlan tailing him back and forth like a lost puppy. Until Shen Wei  accidentally  cut himself with a knife. Yunlan suddenly  took his wounded finger and suck it with his mouth. Making Shen Wei  startled and turned  on.

    Without any question Shen Wei  suddenly  pounced  on Yunlan on the table. The fruits rolled down from the floor. As Shen Wei  laid Yunlan on the table and hungrily  kiss him. First Yunlan was shock but in a moment  he responded back.  And hold Shen Wei  tightly into his arms not letting him go.

    "Mmmmph....Aaaaah....Xiao Wei...." As Yunlan  moan. Shen Wei  started pushing his shirt up attacking his chest and nipples. Sending Yunlan to cloud nine. As he unconciously running his fingers on Shen Wei's soft, dark hair which Yunlan love to caress. His prize kept grinding into Yunlan's  prize making him hard as a rock.

    As Shen Wei  felt Yunlan dilemma  he suddenly  went down and unzip his pants and pulled it down with his briefs. He started licking and sucking Yunlan prize making him a moaning mess.

     Shen Wei  smirk as he sucked it whole. Making Yunlan scream his name. And burst inside  of his mouth. Shen Wei  almost chocked. "Are you alright?!" Yunlan ask. As Shen Wei  nod, Yunlan suddenly  flip him on his back and thrusted  to Shen Wei  who yelp in surprise. As he kept on rocking into Shen Wei's  body.

    "Yunlan scream his name and spilled  inside of him.  Shen Wei  follows in a minute. Shen Wei  thought it's  over but Yunlan still rock  his body unto him again. Making Shen Wei  felt the sensation of having his man inside of him. He made his body arched  as Yunlan slammed again on him. And spilled  his seed inside of him.

    "Xiao.....Wei  I will never let you go!" He whispered  to his ear while nibnling it.

    At the other side Lyn was furious that  she can't  have Yunlan, "I didn't  know my jiejie told everything to his husband! It ruined my plan  to have him!" Dr. Zhuiji  calmed  him down, "Look your sister is gone why you still after Yunlan? This doesn't make any sense?" Suddenly  she slapped  him.

    "Don't  question my authority! Remember  you are one of us who help in killing her!" That  made Zhuiji got paler, "I only told you to snatched  his man but not kill her! You know how much I love your sister!"

     That made  her laugh, "Oh! Yes I snatched  his man so you can have her but she fought and told me over my dead body! So I pushed  her off the boat! If only you can see how she drown calling his husband name it was hilarious!" That made Zhuiji widen his eyes. "I'm out now in this plan! I don't  want to play this sick game anymore!" But she held him. "You think he will not kill you if he know your with me in planning in killing his wife? If you go to him, I will spill everything you've  done with jiejie! So you must help me in getting rid of that man call Xiao Wei! So I can have Yunlan!" She shout at him.

 "You think he will not kill you if he know your with me in planning in killing his wife? If you go to him, I will spill everything you've  done with jiejie! So you must help me in getting rid of that man call Xiao Wei! So I can have Yunlan!" She ...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

     Meanwhile Shen Wei snuggling to Yunlan embrace. While caressing onto his chest. "Hmmm.....wifey! Don't  tickle me?" As cute, brown eyes open looking at his beautiful wife. "So have you forgiven me and won't  replace me?!" He pout cutely to Shen Wei  who blushed  and buried his head on his  chest. "I'll think about it?" He said.


I'LL  TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें