A Surprise Wedding And Dispute

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     Yunlan brought Shen Wei  to a church.  Shen Wei  look puzzle on why, a priest was waiting for them.

  Shen Wei  look puzzle on why, a priest was waiting for them

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    With Dr. Da quing  and Dr. Lin Jing as witness. Shen Wei  was shocked his was given a boquet and a veil. "Thanks guys!" Yunlan said to his friends and turned  to Shen Wei.  "I know it's  not much but when the city is rebuild again I want to have a proper wedding with you!"

    Shen Wei  was speechless and almost cried as the wedding begin. Maybe he lost  his remaining family and his best friend. But Yunlan gave him a new one better than before. And his attention is only to him. He can't  hear what the priest is saying for his focus is with his dear Ah Lan. He was startled when Yunlan nudge him to answer the priest if he want Zhao Yunlan to be his husband?

    Shen Wei  answer him, "A big yes!" That made Yunlan took off his veil and kiss Shen Wei  passionately

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    Shen Wei  answer him, "A big yes!" That made Yunlan took off his veil and kiss Shen Wei  passionately.  Dr. Da quing  throw a confetti to them while Dr. Lin Jing clapped  his hands for the new wed couple. Yunlan kissed Shen Wei's hand, "I won't  let this hands go. Your mine and I'm yours!" That  made Shen Wei  smile and cried.

 Your mine and I'm yours!" That  made Shen Wei  smile and cried

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    And lead him to the car for their next destination. Yunlan prepared a little  treat for Shen Wei. In the park under the moonlight Yunlan laid a picnic blanket and bought a wine, foods, two wine glasses and utensils. As they sit there and eat their fill. In a minute Yunlan laid his head on Shen Wei  lap. Shen Wei  caress Yunlan's  hair. "Wifey! I hope this time will never end!" Shen Wei  kissed  him. "Yes I wish."

    But the next day Yunlan shave his beard because his now going back to work as a surgeon. Looking handsome in his white coat making Shen Wei  droll unto him. "Wifey! Do you want to come with me? It's  pretty lonely here!" Shen Wei  just pushed him outside, "Don't  worry I'll be alright here! And we still have many things to move in the house!" Yunlan kiss him in the forehead and gave him a cellphone.

    "Promise me! If anything happen just call me!" As he went to his car and speed away. Shen Wei  on the other hand went back  to work in the house.
While cleaning the house he saw a photo book of Yunlan and Zhu Hong. While he look at it. He can't  help to feel jealous.  Yunlan was quite so happy and always kissing her. He suddenly  got an idea when he saw a camera lying in the dust.

     Meanwhile  Yunlan have many  piles of works unto him, his not only a surgeon but a Fellow( a higher rank of doctor) as well.

    When lunch time came, "Paging! Dr. Zhao your wife is here!" Yunlan hurriedly  change his clothes. "Hey! Yunlan we still have one more operation!" Dr. Da quing  said.  "Don't  worry I'll come back I'll just meet my wife!" As he ran unto him and carried Shen Wei.

    "Put me down Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  blushed as many people look at them. "I'm sorry! I'm just so miss you!" And kisses Shen Wei.  The nurses at the reception giggle. Making Shen Wei  redder than before. "So Mrs. Zhao! What can I do for you?!" Ask Yunlan. Shen Wei  gave him the lunch box  and suddenly  kiss him while photographing the two of them. Yunlan almost got dizzy because of the flash.

 Yunlan almost got dizzy because of the flash

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    "Why are you picturing us?!" Ask Yunlan. "Because I want to cature the beautiful  moment of us!" After that he was about to leave, "Xiao Wei! Why don't  you stay for a while in my office!"
Shen Wei  nod and went there. While Yunlan gone back to the operating room.

     Shen Wei  look around, he can't  believe  his luck. The ordinary  fisherman he married is a real doctor and a Fellow one. But his smile fade as he saw Zhu Hong's picture. He can't  help to look at it and throw it to the bin.
He didn't notice Ye Sha came and saw it. "What are you doing here?! That's  my jiejie's  picture!" And took it from bin. "Please leave your not welcome  here!" She angrily said.

    "Sorry but I can't! My husband told me to wait here!" Shen Wei  patient is growing thin as he suspect that Ye Sha have a little  crush on Yunlan. "Then don't  touch his stuff!" She said. And place back the picture on the table. "No! That picture have to go!" Shen Wei  snatched  it and throw it back to the thrash can.

    That made Ye Sha angry and took the picture and place it back to the table. But Shen Wei  took  and throw it again. Ye Sha about to pick it up again when Shen Wei  block her, without any warning she slapped  her. That time Yunlan and his friends came and saw what happened. 

    "Ye Sha! What have you done!" He shoved her. And hugged  Shen Wei  who hold his cheek where Ye Sha slapped  him. "Get out from here! If I heard you touch my wife! You'll regret it!" Shout Yunlan. Ye Sha about to protest. But Dr. Da quing  led her out. Dr. Lin Jing help him to get up and went outside of Yunlan's  room.

    "Are you hurt?!" Yunlan caress Shen Wei's  red cheek. "No! I'm fine! We just got a little  dispute  on Zhu Hong's  picture! Maybe I should have not thrown it!" But Yunlan cup his face, "Forget about that picture! And lets leave here!" As he took off his coat and left his office with Shen Wei.

    In a minute they went to a convenient store and bought a ice pack for Shen Wei's  cheek. Yunlan notice his wife depressed  face. So he start kissing him on the cheek. Making Shen Wei  giggle.

    He was surprise when Yunlan suddenly  click his camera unto his face. " There we go! I will find a photo shop to develop this beautiful  picture and post it all over my office. That made Shen Wei  blush, "Thanks!" But he was surprised  Yunlan pulled him on his lap and started kissing him. "Not here! People are looking!" Shen Wei  shyly said. "Let them look! I don't  care!" And start kissing him again making Shen Wei  giggle.

    That time Guo and Chu went to buy supplies and saw them. Both surprise  on what they see especially  Chu. Guo notice it and pulled his husband away from the scene.


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