When Gamora was Sick - Gamora/Peter Quill

Start from the beginning

They arrived at the new location for the royals only to discover an ambush. Gamora found herself struggling to hold her own, and fighting to save herself rather than destroy him. She only had one opponent but was forced to call Quill for help. He blasted the rebel in question, getting disgusting purple blood all over Gamora.

She gave him a face of disgust, barely managing to avoid another opponents's next swipe at her face. Fortunately, he missed. Unfortunately, he sliced her shoulder, allowing blood to stream down her arm and ruin her jacket sleeve.

This was why she didn't like jackets. Now she was just sad that this one was wrecked. She managed to cut him down, finally, and was dismayed to find she was the last one to deal with her opponent. Not by much though, as all the others were still gasping for breath and hunched over with their hands on the knees.

Except ever-present Drax. "Gamora! You were the last to finish!" He called out with that awful, booming laugh.

Gamora's ears were ringing as she snorted and started to peel off her jacket to get a better look at her injury. A wound in battle was far more appropriate than an illness for no apparent reason.


Back on the Milano, Gamora knew she'd have to get herself stitched up. Ordinarily she could probably do it, but the cut was on her dominant arm and her hands were shaking too badly for her to trust herself to put a needle through her skin.

Not that they were shaking because she was sick or anything.

"Gamora, why don't you get that gross stuff off and I'll stitch you up when you've showered," Quill said, a gentle hand on her left shoulder. It wasn't an order, it was a suggestion and Gamora deeply appreciated it. She nodded and was all too pleased for the opportunity to get the disgusting alien blood off her.


The shower was heavenly. Within seconds of standing there, Gamora felt the chills, which had relentlessly accompanied her all day, abating. She turned up the heat a little more and enjoyed a minute or two of being able to breath again as her nose unblocked before beginning to scrub off some of the purple stuff. (I know they don't have showers but I couldn't think of what they do have sorry)

She was just getting out, after standing motionless under the warm water for a few minutes when Gamora felt herself overbalance. Her legs felt much too weak to carry her weight and a feeling of lightheadedness washed over her. She barely made it out of the shower, allowing herself to lean heavily on the nearby sink and blink away the black spots invading her vision.

When she felt strong enough, she grabbed a towel, made her customary towel dress and realised she was just too hot. It was so, so hot. When did this happen? She just needed... just a minute lying on the cold tiles... they wouldn't be quite so hot...

Forty minutes after Gamora entered the bathroom, Quill was getting worried. He'd convinced himself that the blood must've been difficult to get out of her hair and that she was adding products to it or whatever Gamora did with her hair, but forty minutes was just too long.

"Gamora?" He asked tentatively, knocking on the door.

No response.

He tried again, louder, but there was still nothing. Quill used his manual override on the lock and was shocked and scared to find Gamora gazing up at the tiled ceiling, her eyes glazed over and clearly doing very little in terms of processing what she saw.

He scrambled over to the green woman, and when he reached out to her, was terrified to feel a much too intense heat radiating from her. It was worse when he touched her. Gamora's eyes had slid over to watch him, although the lack of response or curiosity was startling.

"Oh my- Gamora, ok, you're- you're hot. We're going to cool you down. Well I'm going to cool you down. I'm going to do my best not to peek but you've got to do your best not to kill me. Alright, going to turn on the shower, this is fine, don't kill me..." Quill went on, speaking to himself while stripping off his jacket and shoes, before trying to get Gamora back to the shower so he could put her under a cold flow to bring down her fever.

"Alright, Gamora, you're going to hate me for this, sorry," he said and pulled her underneath the cold flow. Almost at once, the light was back in Gamora's eyes.

She swore and started yelling, "If you don't let go of me right now I'll slice off your arms! Let me go I haven't got anything for you!" and the like, clearly under the impression she was being tortured. Her skin was finally beginning to feel cold when she recognised that Peter was holding her up.

He didn't like the look in her eyes when she hissed, "you! I should've known you'd betray me."

"Gamora, please, I'm trying to help-" Quill pleaded. In ordinary circumstances, he'd be too weak to hold her up and prevent her from stabbing him, but right now, she wasn't strong enough to fight him off. Finally, they succeeded in getting out of the shower and Quill was tempted to let Gamora put on a new towel, but something told him that if he turned his back, she'd probably stab him.

Then, he remembered the gash on her arm, which was bleeding all down her side. In his worry for Gamora's fever, Peter had forgotten her injury. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Alright, Gamora, I'm going to stitch this up and it's going to hurt but it has to be done."

He elected to grab another towel because Gamora seems a little more aware now and some dim part of her must have remembered his promise to stitch up her arm. She sat quietly throughout the whole procedure, one hand holding up her sodden towel dress just in case it slipped. The personality change from the cold anger a minute ago was startling but Peter was just pleased it's over.

Finally, Gamora was stitched up and cleaned up and her fever didn't feel quite so high. She was pale, though, close to a sort of pastel green and her cheeks were flushed. Gamora's eyes were fever bright and the light behind them dulled but she seemed to know where she was and was now fully complient to Peter's ministrations so that's something. She was even happy to take the medicine he handed her, without even asking what it's for.

That's probably not good, actually, but Peter was just glad she wasn't still screaming that he's trying to poison her.

He gave her a new towel and turned around while she dried off, eyes closed just in case. Finally, he heard, "alright, you can turn around now."

Peter turned and Gamora only looked paler still, and very unbalanced as she leant against the sink. His heart melted just a little as he saw the normally strong woman in her moment of weakness, and before she could protest, he scooped her up, towel and all and walked to the door.

Gamora stared owlishly up at him as they walked through the Milano. Peter was taking every detour and extra corridor to prevent being seen by the other Guardians because somehow, he knew Gamora didn't want to be seen right now. A minute later, they were at his room and Peter realised he'd taken her to the wrong room because he was so focused on her. That seems to be happening a lot. He was about to continue going on, to Gamora's room, when he heard Drax coming down the corridor and decided Gamora can just sleep it off in his room.

Five minutes later, Gamora was dressed in one of Peter's warmer jumpers, but not the warmest, and a pair of trackies. She was sitting on the edge of his bed looking around and watching Peter as he attempted to clean up just a little. He noticed her watching and elected to place his full attention on the green woman.

"What's up? Aren't you tired? You lost a lot of blood, you should sleep. Unless you want to eat?" Peter didn't know how to deal with sick people and Gamora was just that.

She nodded, obviously tired with dark green smudges under her fever bright eyes. "Stay with me?" she asked quietly and Peter knew she'd forgotten the persona she tried so hard to create.

"All right."

They were under the blankets together and Gamora was curled into Peter, savouring his body warmth. She's too hot and he knew it, but they've only slept together once before so this was new and different.

Peter fell asleep, with one arm around Gamora, thinking maybe she's starting to heal from the shit Thanos put her through.


Again, hope you all enjoyed this one, feel free to interact?

Anyway, keep sending those requests and I'll pick up all the interesting ones xx

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