When Gamora was Sick - Gamora/Peter Quill

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Set: after Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2
For: Ella12121212

This one was so cute to write, I hope it's up to your expectations. I'm experimenting with my writing style a little so it changes half-way through, sorry!

On a different note, if you like Ranger's Apprentice, I've just started a rewrite of my own fanfiction for it, a proper chapter book, so check that out if you want?


Gamora had been to a lot of systems. She'd been all over the galaxy when she was devoted to her father, searching for clues to infinity stones and killing enemies. She liked to think she had a strong immune system.

Quill, however, had been in space for a while but was clearly not designed for it. The weakest of colds seemed to hit him whenever they went anywhere and he'd spend a day or two moping around the Milano attempting to gain Gamora's sympathy.

It worked the first few times... now she had to actively force herself to pretend it was annoying and that she hated it. Well, it was annoying, she just couldn't seem to hate anything Quill did.

But the matter at hand was simple: she didn't get sick, Quill did. So why was it that she'd woken to find herself shaking under too-thin covers with a sore throat and a cough to match?

Surely it was just Rocket messing around with the ship again and accidentally breaking the heating. Gamora decided not to mention it, just in case it wasn't.


A day later and they landed on Z-76, more fondly known as Nescio. They'd been contracted to ensure the transportation of some royal person or other was successful. There'd been some sort of coup or something. Gamora didn't know and didn't care, she just wanted to hack off someone's head as punishment for how weak she was feeling.

Not that she was weak.

She just felt... a bit less strong than usual.

Surprisingly, it wasn't Quill or even Groot who noticed the subtle change in Gamora's manner but Rocket. Apparently, he paid more attention than he let on.

"Gamora," he said, pulling her back as Quill, Drax and Mantis moved to greet the soldiers who'd contacted them, "you feelin' alright?"

"Just fine, Rocket," she said, putting extra effort into her attitude and a flick of her hair. Gamora made sure she had her usual sway as she walked down the ramp of the Milano. Rocket waited for a second more before following, Groot swaying happily on his shoulder.

After ridiculous pleasantries and half the payment, the Guardians set out with the inconspicuous carriage in their midst. Riding hover-bikes with the disguised royals (Gamora was wondering how these people defined a disguise because they royals were still wearing their crowns) between them in a hover-car seemed like a stupid way to travel but it was the only one these people would accept.

Maybe Gamora was just more irritable than usual now her head had decided to start pounding. She elected to ride at the back of the party off to the right of the car, with Quill covering the back left. She sniffled a couple of times as they sped through chasms and even took the chance of wiping her nose a couple of times.

From the attention Quill was paying her, Gamora knew she wasn't being discreet enough. She made an effort not to sniffle and succeeded for almost 30 minutes, before she could actually feel snot beginning to run out of her nose and was forced to wipe it away with her now snot-covered jacket sleeve. That was probably the other giveaway that Gamora wasn't feeling... as strong as normal- the fact that she was wearing a jacket over her usual vest. She'd made it well known that she hated jackets when fighting as they hindered her movement and was deeply regretting it now.

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