That One Time Barnes and Stark had to be Mature - Avengers/Reader

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Hi! This fic is designed to be like "Fever in Germany" because I woke up feeling inspired and it's got Doctor Strange in it (because I combined two of my fic ideas) and I know demigodkeeper08 requested him (although this isn't really a request but oh well)

Anyway, enjoy!

ALSO! Thanks for 1K reads!!! That's absolutely insane!!!

This story is set after the Avengers move into the compound after Civil War but Wanda isn't there (idk I just feel like I don't know her well) but Doctor Strange has met the Avengers at some point.


James Buchanan Barnes was the proud owner of a metal arm of questionable quality. Yes, it did what it needed to (which was kill people) but now it was needed for other things.

Like living.

So (Y/N) took it upon herself to make one that was actually capable of doing things without hurting Bucky in the process. Because every time he moved that arm she saw a hint of a grimace or a wince because it dug into the very skin around his joint and the one time (Y/N) had had the pleasure of seeing where metal met flesh, she had wanted to throw up.

So he needed a new arm, and as Tony Stark's protégée, (Y/N) took it upon herself to make him one.

In secret because Tony was not Bucky's biggest fan. Or really his fan at all. Actually he kind of hated him and almost died to prove it so that was fun.

And it wasn't that (Y/N) didn't like Tony, she did! He brought her up from the Stark Industries internship program to work exclusively with him and she loved that and he'd given her a bedroom so when they accidentally worked too late she could stay over (that was laughably often) and he was just a really nice guy, an actual hero both inside the suit and out. Not to mention, he'd introduced her to the Avengers and always made sure she was invited to his numerous parties and Avenger's movie night.

But to give Bucky an arm! He needed a new one, and it was so obvious but because of his refusal to ask Tony and Tony's refusal to offer he had been stuck with that hunk of metal from Hydra for months now and he needed a new arm ASAP. So (Y/N) decided she would make and she'd make it well and as fast as possible.

And then she worked almost half a week non-stop because she could only work when Tony wasn't paying attention and for someone who pretended to be so aloft, he actually paid a lot of attention to her and everything she did and everyone else because he cared, which was a surprise to discover, honestly.

It was on Tuesday that Tony commented (Y/N) looked tired, Wednesday when he forced her to have a "power nap" that lasted for only two hours instead of Tony's intended eight and (Y/N)'s intended ten minutes (though he didn't mention he'd been hoping she wouldn't wake up for a while).

But then it was Thursday and (Y/N) had worked almost all night, every night, all week, so she promised to sleep for at least six hours but Tony had an emergency call and had to sprint off somewhere. And she really had been intending to follow through with the sleeping thing because she wasn't feeling great, running on about four hours sleep for four days as she was, but getting Bucky down to the lab was no easy feat, but Tony was out for once so this was her only shot and...

(Y/N) did not sleep. She'd sprinted to find Bucky, arrived feeling just how exhausted she was, and practically dragged the poor man away to her lab, begging him to help her. Clint had made a concerned-sounding comment that she looked tired but (Y/N) shook it off and resolved to drink more coffee and sleep once she was done or when Tony returned.

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