It's All Real - Reader/Pietro

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Set: after Age of Ultron
For: oxainsxo

I've deviated a bit from your request, I hope that's alright lovely!!


(Y/N) was not in the mood for a meeting right now. General Ross kept going on and on, admonishing the Avengers for anything and everything he could think of. (Y/N), the usual diplomat, had become increasingly silent throughout the meeting, to the point where she wasn't even bothering to respond when he sent barbs towards her or her teammates.

I'm tired was the only thought on her mind. She couldn't bring herself to pay attention to whatever he was complaining about now. It was enough energy to stay awake in the bloody freezing conference room. Honestly, (Y/N)'s biggest concern was if she fell asleep, she might never wake up again, having frozen to death.

Finally, though, Tony managed to insult Ross enough that he decided to leave in a huff. (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief, feeling guilty that Steve looked so shaken by what the general had said. Ordinarily, (Y/N) would have managed to stop Ross from hurting her family too badly, but it was far beyond her energy levels today. Instead, she rose a second after the others and made to follow them wherever Tony had said they should go.

After all, she was an Avenger. She didn't have time to be sick, even if she would accept, just to herself that she was sick, She just had to hang in there until whatever this was passed on its own.


(Y/N) took a long time to stand and when she did, she leaned on the table for a little too long. She tripped, just slightly, over the legs of one of the chairs and let out an airy laugh to cover it up. Her eyes were glazed and her cheeks flushed. Pietro had spent most of the meeting watching her stare through Ross's presentation with no semblance of an idea of what was going on. Not only that, but she was usually whip quick at replying to Ross' barbs, manipulating them so the Avengers wouldn't be left with undue guilt on their consciences.

They all had enough problems without Ross' bullshit anyway.

So Pietro watched the young woman stumble into the kitchen, moving far more gracelessly than usual before she finally reached the kitchen table. Pietro, usually one to use his super-speed to dash back and forth between wherever they were going to pester the other Avenger to hurry up, stayed a meter behind her the whole way instead.

"(Y/N/N), you were quiet today," Tony probed as he slumped into one of the kitchen chairs. (Y/N) gave the smallest hum of agreement but remained leaning against the same table.

"No quirky comments for Ross? You didn't even insult that horrendous moustache he's trying," Tony continued. (Y/N) didn't respond at all. She was too focused on remaining upright as a sudden wave of nausea passed through her.

"(Y/N)? You feeling alright there? We've got a lot of paperwork to go through," Steve tried, his voice both authoritative and gentle. When (Y/N) didn't respond but remained staring into the spot just next to Tony's chair, Steve walked into her field of vision and waved his hand up and down.

(Y/N) started, blinked a few times and focused on the captain. "I don't feel well," she whimpered instead. Tony huffed but Pietro jumped into action. It was unlike (Y/N) to place herself over duties of the Avengers, even though she hated reading through government contracts and the like.

"Well then, you should rest," Pietro announced, running into super-speed before anyone could respond, picking up the sickly Avenger in a princess hold before speeding out of the kitchen and towards the bedrooms. (Y/N), used to his sudden decisions, squeezed her eyes shut so she wouldn't make her nausea worse.

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