The Problem with Trust - Reader/Avengers

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For: uh, me
Set: before Age of Ultron

Hi! It's been a while huh. This one didn't quite go in the direction I wanted but I hope you all enjoy it anyway!!

Requests are in the works x


It hadn't been too long since (Y/N) had been forced into the Avenger's Tower. She'd stupidly allowed herself to trust that ridiculous archer and had then proceeded to find herself captured. Then, Fury had actually met with her - she had been sure she was below his notice but apparently not - and demanded she joined the Avengers.

The other option hadn't really left (Y/N) with any options at all.

So now she was cloistered away in her room, attempting to keep alert and ready at all hours. Who knew when the Avengers would turn on her, there was no way they truly wanted a criminal on their team, despite Roger's bullshit that "everyone had good in them." They were just waiting for her to slip up, she was sure.

Even Barton could barely be trusted. He insisted (Y/N) join them for at least one meal a day and it was always a tense and shifty affair, despite their best efforts. But the constant alertness was getting to her and (Y/N) knew they were just waiting until her guard dropped. They were softening her up before they began drilling her, there was no doubt.

So she spent her days hidden in the ridiculously luxurious rooms "gifted" to her by Stark. No, it was just too good to be true, they'd be coming to hurt her soon.


It had been close to two weeks since (Y/N) had been brought to the Tower when she really felt herself flagging. The lack of deep sleep and interrupted nights as she woke at even the slightest of noises were impeding her ability to keep the Avengers at arm's length and stay alert. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, it was Tony who first noticed the signs of exhaustion.

When the younger woman came to the kitchen for lunch, she took too long to shy away from Bruce as he attempted to get her talking and Tony could see her struggling to focus on what exactly she was doing. Not only that, but her already meagre appetite had dwindled further and she barely picked at her meal, eating only to prevent talking to her teammates. In an effort to gain her trust, Tony had given (Y/N) full access to all the Tower (excluding the labs because only Bruce had access to them) and the woman had been utilising this to eat only when she knew all the Avengers were occupied.

Sitting across from (Y/N) and diagonally to Clint, Tony gave a short nod to the archer before exiting the table to "make fancy costumes for everyone" in his lab. In reality, the pale, lifeless woman across from him who he knew could be so vibrant was unnerving him and he wanted her fixed. She looked as though she was trying very hard to sit straight and not sway as he knew she'd be feeling very dizzy around now. A lack of proper sleep was something he was almost as well acquainted with as no sleep at all.

Tony was an engineer before all else and he'd already decided to help fix this terrified woman, even if it meant losing her trust in the process.

It was when Clint was walking her back to her rooms, trying to talk to her now they knew her guard was down, that disaster really struck. (Y/N), focusing very hard on walking in a straight line as the dizziness was, shockingly, even worse standing than sitting, looked up to see the scientist standing outside her rooms, arms crossed and ridiculously casual despite the crease in his eyebrows.

"(Y/N), care to join me for some training?" he asked, a familiar smirk reaching his lips but not his eyes.

"No." Clint gave her a little shove on her back and (Y/N) shook her head to further reiterate her refusal. This was a mistake and she swayed a little. Only Clint's hand stabilised her and she quickly shook him off.

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